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The Protestant Reformation

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1 The Protestant Reformation
Pg. 111

2 Important Developments that aid the process to Reformation!
The Printing Press invented by Johannes Gutenberg. Books are now available to the masses not just the rich! (Faster production=cheaper books) People have access to books whenever they want them. Like the Kindle or Nook to early modern Europeans. A single Renaissance printing press could produce 3,600 pages per workday, compared to forty by hand-printing and a few by hand-copying. Printing Press = 3,600 pages per workday Hand Printing = 40 pages per workday

3 What happens to spark the Reformation?
Pope Leo X needs money to build St. Peter’s Basilica…so he sells indulgences! Indulgences- were pardons issued by the pope that people could buy to reduce a soul’s time in purgatory = (People could buy forgiveness)

4 Martin Luther Martin Luther was a German monk.
One of the many leaders of the Protestant Reformation. Posted the 95 Theses in The 95 Theses were complaints about the Catholic Church. Luther translates the Bible to German and believes that people should be able to interpret the Bible for themselves. Coffer means chest

5 Luther’s 95 Theses In 1517, the 95 Theses were nailed to a church door. They were written in Latin. Luther’s intention: NOT TO BREAK WITH CHURCH, BUT REFORM IT! He criticized: Indulgences Power of Pope Wealth of Church

6 Excommunication In 1520, Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther.
Excommunication- expelled him from the church. Holy Roman Emperor Charles V passed measures to suppress Luther’s writings. Lutheran princes in Germany issued a protest. Hence the term Protestant! Pope Leo X by Raphel

7 Other Reformations John Calvin in Switzerland
Predestination - God knows who will be saved, even before people are born, and therefore guides the lives of those destined for heaven.

8 What is the Protestant Reformation?
A movement in the 1500s to attempt to reform the Catholic church. Causes: corruption within the catholic church, scientific practices that went against the church, and more. Caused a split in Christianity. Martin Luther posting the 95 Theses

9 St. James Church in England
Middle Ages Church Catholic Church reigned supreme as the only teacher of Christianity. Church was the only authority that Europeans could look to for direction. St. James Church in England

10 Church in the Renaissance
By the 1500s, the Catholic Church had become corrupt. Church was using the profits from indulgences to pay for the new beautification of the Vatican. St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican City

11 Loss of Prestige Catholic church suffered a number of blows to their power: 1. Failure to gain control of the Holy Land during the crusades. 2. Promised cures for the Black Death, but failed to stop it. 3. Pope ruled and people didn’t know who to look up to as their leader of Christianity.

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