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Forest plot showing ORs for manual/unskilled occupation in adulthood for those with a mental health condition in adolescence in individual studies and.

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Presentation on theme: "Forest plot showing ORs for manual/unskilled occupation in adulthood for those with a mental health condition in adolescence in individual studies and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forest plot showing ORs for manual/unskilled occupation in adulthood for those with a mental health condition in adolescence in individual studies and overall. Forest plot showing ORs for manual/unskilled occupation in adulthood for those with a mental health condition in adolescence in individual studies and overall. No studies were identified examining physical health conditions. n/N, incidence of outcome and total subpopulation sample sizes, where available. Daniel R. Hale et al. Pediatrics 2015;136: ©2015 by American Academy of Pediatrics

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