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Presentation on theme: "OF LIFE SKILLS DEVELOPMENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 OBJECTIVES The Objectives of this Program called THE NEXT CHAPTER - is to Advance the Skills of our Participants to a More Independent Living arrangement while still providing a Quick Daily Check In as well as some various Weekly and Monthly Supports in order to provide Space for the Participants to Practice those Skills. The intention is to allow the Participants the Opportunity to Learn the Skills and the available time to Demonstrate their Learning in the space of time when there is Less Parental Oversight. This is meant to be a 1-2 year Transition project from Home to Full independent living. By Sherry Rumney

3 DESIGNED FOR: Young Adult Men (Min age 18)
AISH Funded (but not PDD Funded) (or has Employment Income) Employed or Student (enrolled Post Secondary) Requires and Desires a “Daily Check in” (45 min site visit) Wants a Roommate (separate bedroom in a 2 bedroom apartment)(or can afford a 1 bedroom apt and still pay for the Daily Check In employee services) Wants more Independence than Living with Parents Comfortable taking Transit on their own or Driving a car TG Suggestions: Age – 18+ By Sherry Rumney

Daily Routines structured to promote success: PERSONAL HYGIENE (daily Check In Report) MEDICATION (daily Check In Report) HEALTHY MEALS (Meals on Wheels 3x/week and Group Dinner 1x/week) DAILY EXERCISE – (TBD if Group activity with Coach?) CLEAN APARTMENT (daily Check In Report) LAUNDRY (weekly – Clothes and Bed Sheets and Towels) MEAL PREPARATION, TABLE SETTING, CLEAN UP (weekly Group Dinner) SOCIALIZING – ORGANIZE EVENTS (weekly) GROCERY SHOPPING (weekly – TBD if individual or Group activity with Coach?) BUDGETING AND BANKING (monthly – Coach or Parent?) Life Coach will need to be someone with experience and training with young adults with ASD: cost = $19.58 to $29.37 Coaching Hours: Daily Check-In (0.75 x 7 = 5.25 hours per week) 19.58 x 5.25 = $ per week 29.37 x 5.25 = $161.54 By Sherry Rumney

5 NEXT CHAPTER BENEFITS Training Ground for Moving into the Next Chapter of their Lives Develop a Community for Friendships and Comradery Less Oversight from Parents (benefits both Parents and Participant) Have Fun while Developing Independence Setting Personalized Goals – Meet with Coach 2X per Month (Participant can enroll in Life Plus Skills program but is not a must of this program) Relationship Building – a Fun Coordinator 1x/week for Group (Volunteer) Community Building – weekly Café with Ability Hub Learning to Live with Others (Two 2 Bedroom Apartments - Total of 4 Participants - Community) Shared Duties to reduce workload Coaching Hours: 5.25 per week (Daily Check-In) hour every Two weeks (Personalized session) = 6.25 hours per week. @ per hour = $ per week @ per hour = $ per week By Sherry Rumney

6 FINANCES Rent will be covered by AISH payments and Shared (~$650/mo)
Hire Part-Time “Daily Check-In” employee (shared Cost by Parents) – 45 min each Participant and a Daily Check In Report (Text) – to relevant Parents Every Day (Parents responsible to intervene if needed) Meals On Wheels – 3X per week (AISH payments – each individual pays) Groceries Costs – shared by roommates or individual cost (TBD) Parents - 1X per week Meal Preparation Training (therefore 1X per month per Family) – shared duty by all 4 sets of Parents Transportation – each individual responsible for own Transportation Optional – hire Cleaner to 2X per month Deep Clean (Participant-$75/mo each) Tutoring for Students enrolled in Post Secondary will be the Responsibility of the relevant family and will not be part of this Program Rent $650.00 Service: x 18 hours/month 352.44 Cleaning 75.00 Total per month By Sherry Rumney Rent 650.00 Service: x 18 hours/month 528.66 Cleaning 75.00 Total per month

7 BUDGET – COSTS - Participant
$650 Rent (Participant cost) (includes heat and water and internet)(again, cost adjusted if prefers a 1 Bdrm apt ~$1150/mo) $200 Groceries (Participant cost) $72 Meals on Wheels (Participant cost – 3x/week) $25 Electricity (Participant cost) $75 Cleaners Service (2x/Month – each time is $75) $50 Cell phone (Participant cost) $11 Rental Insurance (Participant cost) $50 Calgary Transit pass (Participant cost - ????) $30 Savings (Participant) $422 Daily Check in Employee (Participant cost) $100 Entertainment (Participant cost) TOTAL BUDGET IS $1685/Month(again cost adjusted if prefers a 1 Bdrm apt) By Sherry Rumney

8 BUDGET – COST - Parents $28 -$253 Subsidize the Daily Check In Employee (Parents cost, as Participant pays $325/mo – cost dependent on Experience/demands of employees, but Average is $19.58 – 29.37/hour based on level of experience/education in this market – ie Student of a Social Work/Psychology education)-Min 3 hours required for a PT job in Alberta $? Subsidize the Cell phone and Apt top-up costs if desires a 1 Bdrm Apt $? Tutoring services (Parent cost or obtain Government funding) $? Meal Preparation On Site – Group dinner $? Gas costs to take Roommates Grocery shopping – 1x/month (grocery shopping 4x/mo based on 4 Participants) $? Life Skills Coaching Costs (2x per Month) $? Weekly “Relationship Building” Fun Coordinator (Volunteer?) There may be additional costs that Parents may need to provide assistance due to their Participant’s needs Time commitment is dependent on their Participant’s needs as a result of any issues identified by the DCI employee. Parent Group decision of Hiring and scheduling the Daily Check In (“DCI”)employees. The Skills for each Participant is to be a joint decision between the Participant, Parent and DCI. By Sherry Rumney

40 min spent with each Participant (the time spent will be to do a Visual Check of premises and Medication Booklets and quickly review Participant’s Daily Duties Checklist with the Participant so it can be Texted to Parents and Participant) – (this will require a Personalized Daily Duties Checklist tailored for each Participant and requires Parents’ buy-in) – relaying any Concerns that the Parents need to Attend to or provide additional support to their Participant 5 min to prepare and send out Checklist to Parents of Participant (a Pic of the Daily Duties sheet via Text) – see Sample Checklist This is designed to be a “Work Arrangement” position– meant for 2or 3 employees to share the 3 hours/day workload (ie 1 employee works 4 days/week and 1 employee works 3 days/week or an alternative schedule and for illness/vacation relief) **FOIP Agreement required between Participant, Parent and DCI. By Sherry Rumney

10 Sample Daily Check In “Checklist”
MY COMMITMENT TO SELF TO BE ACCOUNTABLE FOR MY RESPONSIBILITIES ACTIVITY Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sat Sun EVERYDAY Take Medication (Medication Booklet evidence) Tidy Bathroom (clothes off floor, Towels Hung) Brush Teeth Clean Clothes Shower and wash hair Put on Deoderant Make bed Tidy Bedroom (clothes put away, no food in bedroom) Dishes in Dishwasher Pots and Pans cleaned Put food away Make Lunch for next day Saturdays Wash Bed Sheets and Duvet cover and put back ON Wash Towels and Put away Participant's Signature: Daily Check-In's Signature of Review: [1=Fully independent, No Reminder; 2=Completed with Reminder; 3=Partially Completed; 4=Not Completed]


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