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Gregor Mendel Chapter 10.

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1 Gregor Mendel Chapter 10

2 Gregor Mendel Gregor Mendel: “Father of Genetics” Austrian monk
Conducted several experiments on pea plants His work lead to the foundation of modern genetics

3 Mendel’s Experiments Cross-Pollination: breeding of 2 different plants (pea plants) P generation: “parent”; original strains purple x white F1 generation: “filial”; offspring of P gen. all appear purple F2 generation: offspring of self-pollinating F1 gen. 3/4 are purple, 1/4 white

4 Why Peas??? 1) Peas have distinct characteristics which could easily be studied Height, flower color, pea shape, etc. 2) Mendel could control pea reproduction He could cross-pollinate them OR make them self-pollinate 3) Mendel chose true-breeding plants (“homozygous”) Caused the recessive trait (white flowers) to be “hidden” in F1 gen., then reappear in F2 gen.

5 Mendel’s Principles Principle of Dominance
Some alleles are dominant others are recessive Law of Independent Assortment Each adult has 2 alleles/gene; one from each parent Alleles for different genes separate independently

6 Exceptions to Mendel’s Principles
1) Incomplete Dominance: phenotype is in between those of parents i.e.: hazel eyes, wavy hair 2) Codominance: both alleles are expressed in phenotype i.e.: 2 diff. color eyes, spots in animal fur

7 Exceptions to Mendel (con’t)
3) Multiple Alleles: gene has more than 2 alleles Results in more possible combinations Individuals still only inherit 2 alleles i.e.: blood type = 3 alleles 4) Polygenic Traits: traits controlled by 2 or more genes Leads to wide range of phenotypes i.e.: skin color = 4 + genes


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