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Handling Data Errors in a Dataflow Task

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Presentation on theme: "Handling Data Errors in a Dataflow Task"— Presentation transcript:

1 Handling Data Errors in a Dataflow Task

2 Agenda About the speaker Defining the problem Options considered
Solution Delivered What I’ve learned since then

3 About the Speaker Loves questions so speak up!
Co-President SeacoastSQL PASS Regional Mentor – Northeast MCITP: DBA SQL Server 2008 Data Platform MVP Loves questions so speak up!

4 The Problem Moving data from “unstructured” or “semu-structured” sources May have no strong types (Excel, flat files, etc…) May have different typing rules (date ranges different, etc…) My source at the time was FoxPro free tables which could be structured if used that way, but it wasn’t and dates are handled differently in FoxPro than in SQL Server. Could be Excel, flat files, pdfs, csvs, really anything that isn’t strongly types

5 Options Considered OnError EventHandler
Redirect Errors (requires row by row insert operations)

6 Solution Delivered Redirect Errors
Script Component (eventually turned into a custom component, not maintained) Custom error logging table SSRS reports to display errors

7 What I’ve Learned Since Then
This isn’t the best performing solution May not be the best solution for production Move data, especially “unstructured” or “semi-structured” in stages Get it into a raw table with no strong types Do type checking on the raw table (some of it could be done in a data flow with script component

8 Resources The article this is based on:
John Welch Address Columns Generically in a Script Component:

9 Contact Information

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