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No More DWI* Drilling while impaired…

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1 No More DWI* Drilling while impaired…
Mark Frenzel – Digital Sherpa

2 TX DWI Stats - 1 In 2015, there were 25,479 alcohol related crashes on TX roads Out of these, 15,687 people were injured On average, our state see about one drunk driver crash every 20 minutes According to the NHTSA, 1,323 Texans are killed in DWI accidents in 2015

3 TX DWI* Stats - 2 Just last month…
How many horizontals wells landed short of the target? How many drilled through the target? How much T & D did they add by unnecessary slides and turns? What were the short-term and long term affects of this nonsense on the rest of the well?

4 RiMo - Build Rate Prediction Module
Typical well plan in the Permian 6-1/8” hole size for curve/lateral Build rates are evaluated

5 Build Your Virtual BHA (or several)
Bend angle = 2.0° and 2.5° WOB = 10K and 20K (sensitivity) Bit to Bend = 72.2” Q = 300 GPM Bit = 6 blade, 13 mm, 2.5” Gage Slick

6 Which Motor Is best? Evaluate the BHA touch points on the low side
Contact points will determine the build/drop tendency

7 Drilling Fully Aware BHA’s build rate is based on our virtual cutting model The bit’s side force + BHA contact points are used to estimate the BHA movement characteristics Sensitivity analyses, including WOB, over-size hole, bend angle, flow rate and formation strength can be performed to fully evaluate build rates before you pick up tools

8 Build Rate – Sensitivity
Evaluate two motor bend angles Evaluate two WOB’s for changes in BUR\ What we discover… 2.5° bend angle predicts desired build rates of 10°/100’ Higher WOB does not significantly increase build rates

9 BUR Sensitivity

10 BUR Sensitivity Build rates as a function of over size two WOB’s Motor bend set at 2° WOB 10kips WOB 20kips

11 BUR Sensitivity Build rates as a function of over-size two WOB’s Motor bend angle is 2.5° WOB 10kips WOB 20kips

12 Motor BHA Drilling – RiMo Dashboard

13 Summary Don’t drink and drive or drill
Time domain results assists in better choices, sooner Not done yet – DYNAMICS? It the BHA quiet? Is ROP OK? Dysfunction? Model it – get busy

14 Thank You. Drive/drill carefully!

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