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Southampton Intermediate school

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1 Southampton Intermediate school 2019 - 2020
Eighth Grade Program Southampton Intermediate school

2 Eighth Grade Instructional Team
Alex Stipanov– ELA Ken Sisco, Jodi Tenety – Social Studies Victor Cordova – Spanish/ ISA Spanish Laura Menelaws, Fiorella Garrido - Math Diane Guida, Lori Bracey – Science Meggin Bennett, Amanda Geoffrion – ICT Anthony Dottin, Jane Katz, Shawn Smith – PE Christina Cassel – Family, Home and Careers (FHC)

3 Eighth Grade Curriculum
English Language Arts (ELA)- Five days a week for an average of 200 min. using “Reading & Writing Workshop” and “WordStudy”. Algebra I (Regents) - Five days a week for an average of 300 min. with computer asst. learning (CAL) Math - Five days a week for an average of 300 min. using the “Go Math” program and computer asst. learning (CAL) Social Studies - Five days a week for and average of 200 min. using the resources from National Geographic. Living Environment (Regents) – Five days a week for an average of 300 min. using Regents curriculum. Science - Five days a week for an average of 300 min. using resources from Discovery Learning. Spanish Language Arts – part of the International Spanish Academy (ISA) program meeting five days a week for an average of 200 min. using resources from Spanish/ISA Spanish – Five days a week for an average of 200 min. using resources from Physical Education – every other day (A/B day). Fine Arts – Band, Strings, Chorus, Coding -every other day (A/B day). Encore – Family, Home and Careers (FHC) - every other day (A/B day).

4 GRADE 8 110 1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B 4A 4B 5A 5B 7:30-8:10 WELLNESS   EXTRA HELP  SLA  SUPPORT EXTRA HELP  SLA   WELLNESS 1 8:13-8:53 PE A/C/M SCI MATH 2 8:56-9:36 LOTE ELA SOC 3 9:39-10:19 H/C FRENCH 4 10:21-11:01 5 11:04-11:44 6 11:47-12:27 LUNCH 7 12:30-1:10 8 1:13-1:53 9 1:56-2:36

5 Student Support Assistant Principal Guidance Counselor
Reading Specialist Social Worker Social Psychiatrist School Nurse Dean of Students Special Education English New Language (ENL) Student “Dashboard” – Data Student Attendance Extra Curricular Activities Instructional Technology (IPad) Athletics Wellness/Support Period (start of day)

6 Student Intervention Academic Support Services (AIS)
Read 180/System 44 Extra Help Homework Club

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