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The Adolescent in Our Society

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1 The Adolescent in Our Society
Chapter 6 pp

2 Adolescence The period between the normal onset of puberty and the beginning of adulthood. In American society from the ages of 12 to 19 with somewhat blurry beginning and end dates.

3 How did adolescence develop into a distinct life stage in our society?
Adolescence as a distinct life stage is a creation of the modern industrial society and is not a universal phenomenon. (Meaning it DOES NOT exist in many parts of the world) Did not exist prior to the Civil War

4 3 Factors Responsible for the development of adolescence as a distinct life stage
Education-Compulsory education to age 16 Exclusion of youth from the Labor Force & then entry into only routine jobs. Development of the Juvenile Justice System

5 Pre-Industrial Societies
In many pre-industrial societies people go directly from childhood to adulthood once they have taken in part in formal ceremonies known as puberty rites. Common puberty rites include: Demonstrations of Strength or endurance Filing of teeth Tattooing or scarring of the skin

6 Characteristics of Adolescence
Biological Growth and Development Undefined Status Increased Decision Making Increased Pressure The search for Self

7 Biological Growth & Development
Puberty is universal to every society because it is biological rather than cultural. Growth in Height and Weight Development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics

8 Undefined Status Adolescent expectations are often vague unlike childhood and adult expectations. In many states 16 to marry but 18 to vote. Attitudes of others Acceptance or even adoption of adolescent things like dress & music Criticism of adolescent things

9 Increased Decision Making
Young children have most of their decisions made by adults Adolescence requires making many of your own decisions like: Courses Sports to play Clubs to join Career & college decisions

10 Increased Pressure Parental rules and expectations must be balanced with friendships and social life. Pressure to successfully perform in school Greatest pressure is from peers and to be part of the β€œin” group you would like to join. Pressure to follow latest fads and fashions. Pressure to establish relationships Job related pressure Time management pressure

11 The Search for Self Adolescents have the maturity to think about themselves and what they want out of life. Decisions are made about: What is important to you Personal norms are established Life priorities may be set

12 Anticipatory Socialization
Preparing for future roles. Involves learning the rights, obligations, and expectations of a role to prepare to assume it in the future.

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