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¡Bienvenidos! Spanish I.

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Presentation on theme: "¡Bienvenidos! Spanish I."— Presentation transcript:

1 ¡Bienvenidos! Spanish I

2 Su maestra de español Profe Ms. Snyder Profe Snyder

3 Why do we study another language?
A simple controller will allow you to play many video games—just like English is fine for just about anything you may need to do. A controller with more options opens up more possibilities—just like knowing another language opens up more opportunities.

4 Learning another language will improve any career path you choose.

5 Learning another language may help you out of sticky situations.

6 Learning another language may allow you to help someone else.

7 *Remember, Profe, start with #2! •Name sticks
Firstname Lastname # assigned to you *Remember, Profe, start with #2!

8 “Getting to Know You” questions
Come to the front of the class Choose a question Answer the question Answer any follow up questions we have for you Choose the name stick for the next person to come up

9 Meet in the World Language lab frequently!
Computer Lab 4 Please read and sign the agreement now.

10 ALL cell phones are turned in at the beginning of class.

11 No nuts of any kind allowed!

12 Supplies for class* 3-ring binder with paper
5 dividers (bring tomorrow) Writing utensil Textbook (Bring it EVERY DAY) Planner (paper or digital) *See me whenever if you would like me to help you get these supplies.

13 The BEST way to learn a language is to USE it, so...
Who are you?

14 • Soy (your name). My experience with Spanish is... If you could have answered a different “Getting to Know You” question, which would it be, and what would your answer have been?

15 Learning a language opens up opportunities…
Do more than just shop; connect with people. Do more than take pictures; understand the cultural significance of what you see. even if you are not good at it

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