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Bosley Bulletin “Achievement for all in a caring Christian community”

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Presentation on theme: "Bosley Bulletin “Achievement for all in a caring Christian community”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bosley Bulletin “Achievement for all in a caring Christian community”
Acting Headteacher: Miss Stephanie Clulow th September 2019 Welcome back everyone after our Summer break! I hope you have had an enjoyable 6 weeks of family fun. New Topics It has been a great start to the academic year. The children have been a delight and have shown how keen and eager they are to learn their new topics. By now you should have all received your curriculum newsletter, if not let me know and I can sort one out for you. It will also be put on the school website by the end of the week. Welcome Service The Welcome Service at church on Tuesday was lovely and it was great to meet Curate Steph. The children sang beautifully and I loved the dance moves to ‘You make me sing’. Thank you to everyone who attended; it was a super turn out. PTA The PTA have already planned some fabulous events for this half-term; check out the notice board for full details! We have an open door policy at Bosley, so please feel free to talk to me on the yard, or over the phone. I can’t wait to get to know you all over the coming months. Miss Stephanie Clulow

2 Key Diary Dates: These are just a few dates for the diary. A full list will be provided at our School Development Plan meeting for parents. If you are unable to attend a pack will be sent home with your child. September: Friday 6th – PTA AGM 3:30pm Friday 13th – Roald Dahl Day – Information to follow w/c 16th – Harvest donations to be made Thursday 19th – PTA Pamper evening – 7pm Monday 23rd – Harvest Service at Church – 9:30am Monday 23rd – Parents’ School Development plan meeting – 3:30pm Friday 27th – PTA Beetle Drive – 3:30pm


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