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Site Classification Long-served existing method (~300 items of metadata collected & stored for each site), including a subjective 4-level classification.

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Presentation on theme: "Site Classification Long-served existing method (~300 items of metadata collected & stored for each site), including a subjective 4-level classification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Site Classification Long-served existing method (~300 items of metadata collected & stored for each site), including a subjective 4-level classification system. Now running CIMO 5-level classification system in parallel. Not yet carried out a detailed comparison study, but intend to do so. Initial thoughts are that the scheme will benefit from feedback from multiple NMS’s based on the practicalities of using this new system. Will endeavour to align WOW metadata collection closely with CIMO guidelines (positive that the community seems happy to provide such data). Ideally need a balanced scheme that works for professional and amateur sites alike. Encourages site improvements. © Crown copyright Met Office

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