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Homicide Offenses - Business Law.

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Presentation on theme: "Homicide Offenses - Business Law."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homicide Offenses - Business Law

2 Elements: the prosecution must show
(1) Actus reus - affirmative act or omission, (2) Corpus delicti - body or evidence that a death has occurred, (3) Mens rea - [coming up], and (4) Proximate causation

3 DEGREES OF MURDER the mens rea requirement

4 1st DEGREE the premeditated taking of a human life

5 2nd DEGREE taking a human life with "malice aforethought,"
consists of one of the following

6 2nd DEGREE (cont’d.) (1) intent to kill (a) desire to kill or
(b) knowledge that death is substantially certain to occur

7 2nd DEGREE (cont’d.) (2) intent to do serious bodily injury
(3) reckless indifference to the value of human life also known as a "depraved heart"

8 2nd DEGREE (cont’d.) (4) during the commission of another felony - "felony murder rule" (a) felonies at common law, or (b) malum in se rather than malum prohibitum felonies

a defendant is entitled to the lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter if (1) he acts in response to a provocation that would be sufficient to cause a reasonable man to lose his self-control; and (2) he acts in a "heat of passion"; and

(3) a reasonable man would not have had time to "cool off" between the provocation and the act; and (4) he had not "cooled off" before he committed the act.

a person is guilty of involuntary manslaughter if his GROSSLY NEGLIGENT conduct results in the death of another person.

a death occurs accidentally during the commission of a misdemeanor offense, such as the violation of a traffic law.

13 The End

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