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Called to Community.

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1 Called to Community

2 Belong - to be rightly placed in a specified environment
acknowledgement + approval + acceptance

3 The Process of Belonging

4 Then, I am FAMILY First, I am an OUTSIDER Then, I am a FAN
Then, I am a FRIEND Then, I am a FOLLOWER Then, I am FAMILY

5 wants to belong to something, to be part of something that matters.
A person BELONGS Then he BELIEVES Then he BEHAVES Everybody wants to belong to something, to be part of something that matters.

6 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need


8 At the very core of wholeheartedness is vulnerability and worthiness; facing uncertainty, exposure and emotional risks, and knowing that I am enough. Brené Brown, Ph.D.

9 Shame Vulnerability Worthiness Courage Authenticity Beautiful – be you ‘til you’re full

10 Discussion Starter: Share your experiences of belonging. Reflect on: Shame Vulnerability Worthiness Courage Authenticity Wholeheartedness


12 God is bigger than any person’s ability to hurt me.
I will not let the fear of hurt steal my life. I will love again. I will trust again. I will be vulnerable. I will be authentic. I will not let shame imprison me. I will not live in an ice castle. I was born to be in covenant. I was born to be in community. I will have ownership with a people. I am in the family of God. Amen.

13 Things that belonging requires:
I carry the family name. I am a Christian. I am not an orphan. I belong. I am known. He knows the number of hairs on my head. I belong. I am accepted. I have a people. I am not nameless and faceless. I belong. I am valued. I am significant. I belong. I have shared ownership. I have a place. I belong. I have shared responsibility. I have a role to play. I belong. I have common core values. I have shared values. I belong. I have a common vision. I have a common purpose. I belong.

14 Discussion Starter: Reflect on the Judas Spirit. Have I ever been a consumer and not a contributor? What changed? Reflect on, “The challenge of covenant is this: to the depth that you love, is the depth to which you can be hurt.” Am I willing to risk it?

15 Pope Saint John Paul the Great spoke in 1994 to the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Communities.

16 Romans 12:4-6 Gifts that differ according to the grace given to us.

17 What’s my purpose? Where do I fit in?

18 Saint Paul on the Mystery of the Church

19 “apostle” – encourages the supernatural aspects of community life (Presence of God, Worship of God, Glory of God) “prophet” – cares for the word of God and encourages the community to listen for His voice “evangelist” – invites into a relationship with Jesus and the community “pastor” – cares for the community “teacher” – instructs the community

20 Discussion Starter:

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