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Mitsunori MIKI Tomoyuki HIROYASU Takanori MIZUTA

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1 Mitsunori MIKI Tomoyuki HIROYASU Takanori MIZUTA
A New Parallel Distributed Genetic Algorithm Applied to Traveling Salesman Problems Mitsunori MIKI Tomoyuki HIROYASU Takanori MIZUTA Doshisha University Kyoto, Japan

2 Distributed Genetic Algorithms
Genetic Algorithms(GA) High computation cost due to many individuals(solutions) and many generations Parallel processing is required - Distributed GA with multiple sub-populations(DGA) A single population is divided into multiple sub-populations Genetic operation in each sub-populations Migration of some individuals Individual Sub-Population Migration Scheme Migrant

3 Background and Purpose
The performance of DGA compared with SPGA(Single population GA) : High performance : Higher performance, but difficult to obtain the optimum For Continuous Optimization Problems For Combinational Optimization Problems Rastrigin TSP (eil51)

4 New Method Problem in DGA for combinational optimization problems Difficult to escape from local optima ① The crossover does not work ② The mutation does not yield better solutions Reasons: Solution: To construct global optimum solution based on the local optima The combination of the smallest elements of the local optima is very important SUCCESSIVE CROSSOVERS WITHOUT SELECTION maximize the diversity of the solution Centralized Multiple Crossover:CMX

5 Concept of the Proposed Method
Best tour routes(Elitist) in the sub-populations in DGA Red lines show the optimum elements The combination of these elements becomes the global solution Very small partial solutions exist in each elitist solution

6 The elements of the global optimum can be seen in these elitists
Concept (Continued)  Multiple crossovers without selection is the key of the method 1. Creation of the small elements of the global solution Conventional DGA or other method(e.g. 2-opt) 2. Combination of the small elements Eight elitists are superimposed Perform multiple crossovers without selection in order to maintain the solutions which are to become good solutions The elements of the global optimum can be seen in these elitists

7 Flowchart of the Proposed Method
Creation of the initial population by the 2-opt method Initialize CMX The elitists of all sub-populations are transferred to the “crossover island” Successive CMX Gather the elitists Repeat the crossover until the size of the population becomes the total population size Increase the population size Successive multiple crossover without selection Centralized Multiple Crossover Divide the population Divide the population for DGA DGA without migration After final CMX DGA iDGA (isolated DGA)

8 Detail of the Proposed Method
Global Population Global Population Crossover Island ① Gather the elitists ② Increase population size by crossover ③ Successive crossovers without selection ④ Divide the population for original DGA population

9 Successive Crossovers without Selection
Crossover operations are repeated without selection and mutation Crossover Island Crossover Island The selection is not performed to maintain the solutions which are to become good solutions afterwards solution Local optimum

10 Performance of the Proposed Method
DGA vs. CMX The repeated number of CMX The number of the sub-populations Pop. size 400 Sub-pop 16 1 ‥ worse then DGA The larger number Crossover EXX Cross Rate 0.8 2, 5 ‥ better then DGA The higher performance Mutation 2-change Mutation rate 1/ L The performance can be maximized by the parameter tuning Migration interval 10 Gens. Mig. rate 0.5 Problem 100 city

11 Crossover Methods in CMX
・ Partially Mapped Crossover ・ Cycle Crossover ・ Subtour Exchange Crossover ・ Edge Exchange Crossover ・ Edge Asembly Crossover (PMX) (CX) (SXX) (EXX) (EAX) [Goldberg 85] [Oliver 87] [Yamamura 92] [Maekawa 95] [Nagata 97] ch150 EXX EAX The performance of CMX is increased by using a better crossover method

12 Conclusion and Future Works
Proposed Method(CMX) shows higher performance then conventional DGA Future works ・ To Examine the parallel model of the proposed method ・ To Apply the proposed method to the other combinational problems

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