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Intro to Azure Search Julie Smith 2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Intro to Azure Search Julie Smith 2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intro to Azure Search Julie Smith 2019

2 Julie Smith Microsoft MVP, Data Platform since 2013
Consultant at Innovative Architects since 2012 **not a web developer @juliechix


4 Azure Search is a search-as-a-service cloud solution that gives developers APIs and tools for adding a rich search experience over private, heterogenous content in web, mobile, and enterprise applications. Query execution is over a user-defined index. Azure Search

5 Azure Search

6 Azure Search Why do you need it?
Users expect it, familiar, every app has it. Why use Azure Search in Particular? Easy to implement. REST APIs .Net SDK

7 Our Use Case at IA—Full Text Search
We needed a search engine. We thought we needed Azure ML. Overheard: Oh cool! Man this is fast! Super easy.

8 Other Use Cases Ecommerce: Amazon, Zappos, Restaurants
Document Searches: Pluralsight, Universities

9 Architecture PaaS NoSQL Json Lucene is foundational to it

10 Lucene Refers to many things:
Open source project for search engine. Lucene queries Solr and Elastic and Azure Search based on it

11 Architecture Indexes Schema Documents Indexers

12 Architecture Indexes Schema Documents
Changes to Operational Data can be configured to trigger the Indexer to update the Index using Indexer Indexes Schema Documents Indexers

13 Sources

14 Schema Properties Searchable Analyze Suggester Filterable Sortable
Facetable Retrievable

15 Schema Properties-Facetable

16 Add Weighting to affect search relevance—Clearance
Add Weighting to affect search relevance—Clearance! Otherwise manually boost relevance Scoring

17 New Features--Preview
Cognitive Searching Synonyms

18 Structure of Queries URL Key Get, Put, Post Header of the call
Body of the call

19 Structure of Queries Query Syntax –Lucene parser
-query-lucene-examples Search, *, ~, filter us/azure/search/search-query-lucene-examples Broad without Lucene or use &queryType=full to invoke very specific Lucene Query Structure of Queries

20 Structure of Queries

21 Structure of Queries

22 Structure of Queries

23 White paper http://davidchappell
White paper roducing_Azure_Search-Chappell_v1.1.pdf Blog: us/blog/tag/azure-search/ -- this talk on youtube Msdn documentation Resources

24 Learned along the way, FAQS
Multi-tenancy Other uses, besides E-Commerce Read the documentation, stack overflow Learned along the way, FAQS

25 Demos Create a new service—url and key Run Queries
Import data, create index, indexer, data source Run Queries Create and Load a new index using API calls in Fiddler Demos

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