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Kanban Task Manager SharePoint Editions ‒ Introduction

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1 Kanban Task Manager SharePoint Editions ‒ Introduction
Kanban Task Manager helps teams visualize task workflows and makes it easy to cooperate on projects. The SharePoint editions of Kanban Task Manager have many useful features: Drag and drop tasks between or within different phases or lanes. Filter tasks by project, by responsible, priority and/or your own custom value. Search of task subjects and body texts. Automatic synchronization of tasks within the workgroup, so everything is always up to date and everyone can see what is happening. Possibility to create swim lanes. Move tasks to other boards – only for the sandboxed solution. Several views for alternative overviews. My Tasks makes it simple for users who only need to see their own tasks. Set WIP limits for phases and lanes. See statistics on task management in the Excel reports. % complete bar that shows task progress. Priority icons on tasks. Task overdue indicator. Set number of columns per phase. See the responsible person’s image on the task. Set multiple responsibles for a single task. Create a Checklist for each task. Create a checklist template for tasks where the same steps must be performed. See open hours for tasks. Time Logging to keep track of invested time per task. Set Default values for tasks list fields. Multiple views in addition to the Kanban view. Welcome to the show! Peter Kalmström CEO, Business Solutions Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

2 Kanban Task Manager with 5 phases and 3 lanes
Task with multiple responsible The tasks may be dragged and dropped between or within the phases and lanes The Kanban Task Manager example data is used in this slide show Group the tasks in lanes Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

3 Kanban Task Manager Features
Search and filter tasks in the left pane Color code tasks by Project or Responsible Copy the URL of the filtered kanban board Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

4 Kanban Task Manager ‒ Work with Tasks
Add or delete responsible here Close tasks by checking the box Right click on a task to see its description in the right pane Move the selected task to another kanban board – only for the sandboxed solution Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

5 Kanban Task Manager ‒ The Task Form
If you fill out the % Complete field, the value will be shown as a line on the task card. Changed The Kanban Task Manager task may be customized just like ordinary SharePoint list items. Filtered values will be default, and the task creator is Assigned To by default. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

6 Kanban Task Manager ‒ the Task Form Description field
Insert tables, images and videos in the description field of the task. This is possible in the sandboxed solution task form and in the add-in app part form. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

7 Kanban Task Manager ‒ Configure page
Use your own tasks list with Kanban Task Manager Create a custom field for tasks and filter Allow checklist creation in tasks Allow time logging to keep track of invested time per task Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

8 Kanban Task Manager Phase Columns
Use more than one column in a phase Decide the number of columns in the settings Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

9 Kanban Task Manager Phase settings
The Kanban Task Manager phase names are by default fetched from the tasks list Status field Move closed tasks to a specified phase Set a limit for the number of tasks in the phase Kanban Task Manager phases may be hidden Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

10 Kanban Task Manager WIP Limits
The “Work in Progress” limit can be set for each phase and lane This phase has too many tasks This lane has too many tasks Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

11 Kanban Task Manager Checklist templates
Add checklist templates for tasks that have similar steps. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

12 Kanban Task Manager Hours Open
Configuration: Details pane: Set your organization’s working days, Service hours and Lunch break. Based on these factors Kanban Task Manager will calculate the ‘Hours Open’ for a task. The hours open for a task is calculated from the start date to the end date of a task. If the start date is not defined for a task, ‘Hours Open’ will be shown as ‘N/A’ in the details pane. For open tasks, the end date is the task’s current time. For closed tasks, the end date is the task’s last modified time. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

13 Kanban Task Manager Checklist
If the Checklist feature is enabled in the settings, then you can manage it in the edit task form as well as in the details pane. If the Checklist feature is enabled in the settings, you can manage it in the edit task form as well as in the details pane. Edit task form: Details pane: Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

14 Kanban Task Manager Checklist templates
in Edit Task Form and Details Pane Edit task form: Details Pane: Use a checklist template or add a new checklist by clicking on the ‘+’ icon. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

15 Kanban Task Manager Time Logging
If the Checklist feature is enabled in the settings, then you can manage it in the edit task form as well as in the details pane. If the Time Logging feature is enabled in the settings, you can manage it in the edit task form as well as in the details pane. Edit task form: Details pane: Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

16 Kanban Task Manager Week View
Select another week Open tasks for a specific week is displayed. By default, the current week will be shown. A time slot is specified for this task The current day highlighted in yellow Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

17 Kanban Task Manager Month View
Select another month Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

18 Kanban Task Manager Year View
Select another year Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

19 Kanban Task Manager Timeline grouped by Responsible
Drag and drop tasks to change responsible person Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

20 Kanban Task Manager Timeline grouped by Projects
Drag to change start or due date Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

21 Kanban Task Manager Project View
Each pie represents a project, and the slices are phases that have tasks. The slice size is relative to the total number of tasks in the project. This phase has 2 tasks Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

22 Kanban Task Manager Daily Trend View
Display task statuses in a line chart Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

23 Kanban Task Manager Day Report View
Tasks that were created, open, closed, delayed and modified on a specified date Each responsible is visualized as a pie chart Change the date by moving the slider back and forth Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

24 Kanban Task Manager 7 Habits View
Open tasks are divided in four quadrants on the basis of importance and urgency. High priority task that are not due on the current date High priority tasks that are due on the current date Low or normal priority tasks that are due on the current date Low or normal priority tasks that are not due on the current date Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

25 Kanban Task Manager Not Assigned View
Number of Not Assigned tasks Team members with the number of ongoing tasks View another task Assign the task to a team member by drag and drop. Description of an unassigned task Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

26 Kanban Task Manager ‒ Embed My Tasks in a Modern Page
My Tasks, here embedded in a modern page, shows tasks assigned to the current user, sorted first by priority and then by created date. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

27 Kanban Task Manager - Embed My Tasks in a Classic Page
My Tasks can also be embedded in a classic page. The manual gives instructions for both interfaces. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

28 Kanban Task Manager Add-in ‒ App Part
Open the page in edit mode Select the app part and click on Add Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

29 Kanban Task Manager ‒ Export to Excel
Kanban Task Manager gives several statistics reports that are exported to an Excel file: Number of Tasks per Project Number of Tasks per Phase Tasks per Lane and Phase Average of Tasks % completed per Phase Number of Tasks per Responsible Average of Tasks % completed per Responsible When swim lanes are used, there are three additional default reports: Number of Tasks per Lane Tasks per Phase and Lane Average of Tasks % completed per Lane When Time Logging is used, there are three additional reports: Hours per Task Hours per Phase Hours per Project There are three default reports for Hours Open: Hours Open per Task Hours Open per Phase Hours Open per Project When a custom field is used, there is a report on the number of tasks for each value of that field. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

30 Kanban Task Manager ‒ Excel Reports
Links to reports. ‘Number of Tasks per Phase’ is used as an example in the following slides Pivot and graph representations of the reports Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

31 Kanban Task Manager Excel Reports ‒ Pivot Table
Sort, filter, drill and add more fields for extended info. All changes are reflected in the chart and vice versa. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

32 Kanban Task Manager Excel Reports ‒ Default Chart Style
The reports may be printed, saved as .pdf and studied with all the features of Excel. Each report also has a graphic presentation. Here is the default chart for the pivot table in slide 22. Slide 24 shows a custom chart. Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

33 Kanban Task Manager Excel Reports ‒ Custom Chart Style
Change the charts as you like with the Excel tools Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

34 Kanban Task Manager ‒ learn more!
Thank you for watching this slide show! You are welcome to download the full version of Kanban Task Manager and try it for 30 days without any obligations Visit the website to learn more! Kanban Task Manager is available in 2 SharePoint editions: add-in and sandboxed solution

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