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GCSE Level Curriculum & Controlled Assessment Information Evening

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1 GCSE Level Curriculum & Controlled Assessment Information Evening

2 Purpose of Information Evening
Importance of Year 11 Explanation of CAT4 Testing & MEG Highlight assessment arrangements for GCSE/Equivalent qualifications To show the GCSE/Equivalent exams which students will take this year To explain the role and importance of Controlled Assessments & Assignments To help you help your child through their GCSE Level learning

3 CAT Tests All Year 11 students have completed a CAT Test earlier this month. It tests skills not subjects, it measures Numerical, Verbal and Non Verbal Skills Gives a grade students should strive towards in their different GCSE subjects IT IS NOT NECESSARILY THE GRADE THEY WILL GET We want all students to work towards at least a C/Level 2 Pass in all subjects This can only happen if we have an effective home school partnership

Instead of referring to target grades we now refer to a pupil’s MINIMUM EXPECTED GRADE or MEG Previously a pupil’s target grade indicated a ceiling in terms of achievement, whereas a Minimum Expected Grade indicates aspirational achievement With the availability of a range of assessment information or data your child’s subject teachers will set the Minimum Expected Grade to track against The grade tracked against is the minimum we expect them to achieve

5 Subject Trackers The MEG will be set by your child’s subject teacher and then agreed by the Head of Department It will be considered and realistic, based on the current assessment data available and the teacher’s prior knowledge of the pupil

6 Subject trackers Pupil arrives in class
Previous achievement considered Pastoral information considered CAT4/PTE/PTM /ALPS data considered MEG – Minimum Expected Grade given MEGs agreed by HODs Assessments tracked against MEGs

7 Assessment Reports After the completion of each assessment pupils will receive their own assessment report This will be in addition to the twice yearly statutory report sent to you as parents The assessment report will look like this;


9 GCSE General Certificate in Secondary Education
Course of Study - 2 years Graded A* to G (CCEA) Graded 9 to 1 (English exam boards) BTEC graded Distinction* to Pass OCN graded Pass equivalent to a B grade

10 New Grading CCEA BTEC English Boards A* - A D* - D 9, 8, 7 B Merit 6
C* Pass C Pass D L1 Pass E F - G

11 GCSE information Linear Approach Modular Approach
Sept 2019 …………………Exam May/June 2021 Modular Approach Sept 2019 …………………… May/June 2020 May/June 2021

12 Subjects examining in May/June 2020 – end of Year 11
Maths M2, M3 & M4 RE Unit 5 English Language Unit 1 English Literature Unit 1 DA Science Biology, Chemistry & Physics Geography Unit 2 Business Studies Unit 1 Child Development Unit 1 Health & Social Care Unit 1 Technology Unit 1

13 Subjects examining in May/June 2019 – end of Year 11
Biology Unit 1 Chemistry Unit 1 Physics Unit 1 Digital Technology Unit 1 BTEC Business Unit 2 BTEC Hospitality Unit 1 BTEC Public Services Unit 1 BTEC Sports Unit 1 BTEC Science Unit 1 BTEC Travel & Tourism Unit 1 BTEC Engineering Unit 1

14 Why opt for Modular Brings the examinations into closer alignment with A Level Up to 50% of examination + content can be completed at the end of Year 11 No Controlled Assessment in a number of subjects Reduces workload in Year 12 Resit possibilities (not advised) Resit limited to 1 per GCSE/BTEC Subject

15 What has to be very clear…
Students will be on “Study Leave” in Year 11 like the Year 12 students – BTEC classes will continue as normal Work will continue in GCSE/Equivalent subjects until the end of June It is not expected that students will repeat – however, this is a possibility and may be recommended Students will not have summer internal examinations in May/June for those subjects examining at the end of Year 11– April will be last internal examination assessment “Mocks”, after which you will receive a written report

16 Mathematics Tiers of Entry
GCSE Maths Structure Tiers of Entry Aim is to help everyone attain at least a Grade C M2 & M6 Grades Available C – G M3 & M7 Grades Available B - G M4 & M8 Grades Available A* - C One class of students who complete M4 & M8 will also do Further Maths in Year 12 One class will also complete GCSE Statistics during their GCSE Maths Time 1 class will complete OCN Essential Skills in Application of Number

Formerly known as Coursework Conducted in a more controlled environment Addresses issues of authenticity, plagiarism and validity Marks range from 25% to 100% of full GCSE

18 Departments involved:
Almost all subjects at GCSE level contain an element of Controlled Assessment/Assignment work Exceptions: RE Maths & Further Maths Languages Sociology Geography History

19 Controlled Assessment Weighting
Controlled Assessment can be worth 20% 25% 50% 60% 65% 75% inc all BTEC courses 100%

20 Format for C.A. Classroom & Home research Classroom practicals
Classroom write-up Classroom tests All must be treated and prepared for as if they are exams

21 Restrictions apply: The controlled assessments are GCSE exams and need to be treated as such The only difference is, they are internally marked (but externally moderated) Attendance is crucial Use of ICT will not be permitted (in most subjects) as once the written work starts, pupils are not allowed access to the internet

22 BTEC Qualifications A different style of Assessment and Learning
Public Services ICT Sport Travel & Tourism Business Science Engineering Performing Arts

23 How BTEC is Assessed BTEC Qualifications are 75% Controlled Assessment/Assignments & 25% examination All exam units will be completed in Year 11 Every BTEC Assessment contributes to overall Grade Deadlines will be ongoing and must be met they should be treated like examinations

24 BTEC Regulations and Procedures
Overall Control Led by Quality Nominee in the College – Miss Atkinson Students must have a BTEC handbook Must be read and signed by parents Deadlines are crucial and must be met (submitted to Edexcel in September) Extenuating circumstances procedure Appeals procedure

25 OCN Courses 100% assignment based
Work is ongoing throughout years 11 & 12 Students must stay on top of work for each subject area Pass or fail only – Pass is equivalent to a Grade B

26 Please help us! Students will never not have work to do for a GCSE/BTEC/OCN subject Assignment work goes on through the entire year If no written homework is set students should be learning the work covered in their last lesson

27 Study Skills Advice All students will be given information on
important study skills in Year 11 – an outside provider comes in to work with the Year Group Study does not mean homework Students should be studying most nights during the week They need to plan their study Get into good study habits early

28 Your Role as a Parent The Campaign for Learning found that parental involvement in a child’s education can mean the difference between an A* and an ‘also-ran’ at GCSE The good news is that you don’t need to be an expert in any of the subjects your child chooses to make a real difference You also don’t need to give up your life and other responsibilities – you just need to know how best to spend the time you do have

29 This is where you, as parents, really can make a difference
Your Role as a Parent One of the hardest demands on students is that of understanding the long-term importance of doing the best they can, and learning to shelve short-term fun, at times, in the interest of long-term benefits This is where you, as parents, really can make a difference Your support, encouragement and interest can make a spectacular difference to your child’s motivation and ability to cope with the academic and organisational demands of GCSE/Equivalent courses

30 Your Role as a Parent Get a copy of the specifications for the subjects your child is studying – exam board website Know the topic areas being covered Know when the topics are being covered (in the booklet) Support your son/daughter – check their diary Keep up to date with Controlled Assessment/Assignment deadlines – this is vital Ensure your son/daughter has all prep work completed for Controlled Assessment and Assignments

31 Information for Parents
Ensure full attendance if at all possible Try to limit social networking and distractions during study and homework Most importantly - Communicate with the school – Form Tutor – Year Head – Head of School - Vice Principal Teaching & Learning The booklet contains all the information you need, as a parent, on each subject area studied at GCSE Level

32 Year 11 Target Setting Day 25th October 2019
One to One interviews with Form Tutors Following initial assessment report Interview times will be sent out Year 11 students only attend with their parents for the interview

33 Miss Atkinson VP Teaching and Learning Mr Montgomery Head of Timetable
Please feel free to speak to any of the staff members here this evening if you have questions or concerns Curriculum Staff Miss Atkinson VP Teaching and Learning Mr Montgomery Head of Timetable Mr McGuigan Head of Assessment Mrs Walters Head of AEN Mrs Mulholland/Mrs Carlisle Head of School Thank you for your attention

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