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7th Grade Field Trip A Road Trip to Remember!

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Presentation on theme: "7th Grade Field Trip A Road Trip to Remember!"— Presentation transcript:

1 7th Grade Field Trip A Road Trip to Remember!
Aubrey Middle School 7th Grade Field Trip A Road Trip to Remember!

2 Lone Star Coaches We go in style!

3 Embassy Suites near the Airport
Home Away from Home Embassy Suites near the Airport

4 Texas Capitol and Visitors Center


6 San Antonio Riverwalk River Center Mall

7 Buckhorn / Texas Ranger Museum

8 Riverboat Tour

9 The Alamo: The Price of Freedom
IMAX Movie The Alamo: The Price of Freedom

10 Ripley’s Believe It or Not & Wax Museum

11 The Alamo

12 Dinner at The Alamo Cafe

13 Sea World

14 EXHAUSTION and a quiet trip home!

15 7TH Grade Texas Field Trip
INTENT TO ATTEND 7TH Grade Texas Field Trip April 15-17, 2020  Child’s Name__________________________ Please complete this form and check your intent. Return to the front office by Friday, October 25, 2019, even if your child will not be attending. If it is your intent to have your child go on the field trip, please see the payment schedule for information.    Please check the appropriate line: _____My Child _____________________________ will attend the 7th Grade Texas History/Science Field Trip. _____My Child _____________________________ will not be attending the 7th grade Texas History/Science Field Trip.  Parent’s Signature___________________________________________ If child is attending, please complete t-shirt size information. Please circle one: Student’s T-shirt size for the trip (these are adult sizes) Small Med Large X Large XX Large XXX Large

16 CHAPERONE APPLICATION Complete ONLY if parent WILL be attending
Complete ONLY if parent WILL be attending We will need one adult per 3-4 students to accompany us on this adventure. If you will be available and willing to go please provide the information below. You must also complete a background check prior to the trip. Name of Parent / Guardian Attending _____________________________________ Relationship to student Mom Dad Other (list) ______________________________ Phone Number ______________________ ____________________________ Please circle one: Adult’s T-shirt Small Med Large X Large XX Large XXX Large

17 Payment Information and Schedule
Payment Student Adult 1st payment October 25, $ $ 95.00 2nd payment November 29, $ $ 95.00 3rd payment January 24, $ $ 95.00 4th payment March 2, $ $ 80.00 $ $365.00 Payments can be made on line at Be sure to use the Chap Store when paying online. Online payments will only be accepted through March 2, If paying by check, make payable to AMS and include your child’s name on the check. No checks will be accepted after March 6, These must clear prior to our trip dates. If paying with cash, please save receipt issued to you from the front office. If special financial arrangements are desired, please send a request to Mrs. Wright at

18 Medical Information Form
7th Grade Texas History and Science Field Trip Student’s Name ________________________ Please list any allergies or medical problems that your child may have. These may need to be shared with an emergency room attendant or school personnel in case of an emergency. If none, please note below.    List any medication(s) your child will be taking during the trip. All medications must be in original containers with pharmacy label or doctor’s prescription. Please place into a Ziploc bag and write the child’s name on the bag. This will be turned over to the designated staff member. Please have these at the school nurse’s office no later than Wednesday, March 30, 2020. NO MEDICATION WILL BE GIVEN TO YOUR CHILD UNLESS THIS FORM HAS BEEN COMPLETED INSURANCE INFORMATION Insurance Company_______________________________________________________  Insurance phone number to verify coverage____________________________________  Insured’s employer________________________________________________________  Insured’s name________________________________ Policy#_____________________  Insured ID#______________________ Group #_________________________________  Please include copy of insurance card.

19 Help Support A Texas Size Road Trip
Aubrey’s 7th grade students have been studying Texas history and science. The students are going on a “hands on” field trip to Austin and San Antonio where they will experience the history of Texas. They will visit places where significant events in history took place such as the Capitol and the Alamo. In addition, they will encounter science at its finest with a visit to Sea World and Wonder World Park. As you can imagine, to provide our students with this once-in-a-lifetime experience, we need financial support from our community. We are looking to provide your company with advertising. How Can You Help? You can put your company’s name on the back of our t-shirts that we will wear on the trip and around town long after the event. What Will It Cost You To Help? $ for your company name and phone number For More Information Please Call: Aubrey Middle School Your Information: Name: __________________________________________________________________ Company Name: _________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ Phone Number: ( ) ______________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________

20 7th Grade Texas History Trip
Student’s Name ______________________ Behavior Contract 7th Grade Texas History Trip All rules and requirements stated in the student handbook apply and will be strictly enforced. Students must be in good standing with attendance and have no major disciplinary actions during the school year.  Shirts will be those designed for this trip. Each student and chaperone will receive 3 (1 for each day). Be sure you wear comfortable walking shoes. (no beach shoes, backless shoes or sandals) Shorts (if worn) must be dress code length, but can be athletic shorts. Other rules that are specific to our trip are as follows: Each student must stay in assigned group and load/unload the bus and enter/exit activities with their assigned chaperone.  Each student is responsible for their own personal items at all times.   No electronic games or equipment will be permitted on the trip. This also applies to those with parents in attendance.   No boys will be allowed in girl’s rooms and no girls will be allowed in boy’s rooms at any time.  Students will not be allowed to leave their hotel room alone. If they leave their assigned floor, they must be accompanied by a chaperone.   Each student is expected to be respectful to property and persons at each location we visit. They must also be paying attention and quiet as we tour.  Souvenirs may be purchased, but must be approved by sponsors. Each student must follow the rules of the Charter Bus Company while traveling on the bus. Trash must be picked up. Sodas and food are not allowed on the bus. Any student involved in destroying property, any type of destruction and any type of property, will be assessed the damage and the parents will be liable. Failure to comply with any or all of the above rules will result in immediate expulsion. Student’s parents will be responsible for getting their child home. ____________________________________ ______________________________ Student signature date Parent signature date

21 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Seventh Grade Field Trip April 15, 16, 17
4:15 AM Arrive at Middle School Parents please park in the back parking lot closest to the gym or in the church parking lot. Do not park in pick up/loading zone. Students take your luggage into the gym. Boys should line their luggage up against the bleachers on the right, girls on the left and parents underneath the goal closest to the cafeteria. Please go into the cafeteria and sign in Enjoy breakfast and wait quietly for announcements of groups Bring only 1 suit case Bring a small drawstring bag to carry personal belongings in if needed School appropriate length shorts or Capri pants Walking shoes must have backs Bring sunblock, sunglasses, and hats Bring pillow and blanket (bus may get cold) No PJs or house shoes on the bus or lobby area No sodas or food on the bus, only bottled water Load and exit busses with chaperone when announced Must remain with chaperone at all times School issued t-shirts color schedule: (Do not write on or alter in any way) Hotel Rules If you leave your room to visit someone on your floor you must take someone with you If you leave your assigned floor you must be with an adult No loud talking in rooms or hallways and no running Do not visit any other floors except the one your are assigned Everyone in rooms at 10:00 pm Lights out at 11:00 or before if chaperone requests Cell Phones are allowed under the following rules Phone must be turned off during all tours, museums and shows Must not be used for games/music All texting and language must be school appropriate Phone calls and texting after 10:30 should be to parents or school staff only Phone will be taken up if these rules are not followed

22 Random stuff Students and chaperones wear field trip t-shirts with school appropriate shorts or capris. This helps us identify everyone easily. Shirts are included in the cost of the trip for both students and chaperones. Students can bring extra money for souvenirs or snacks, but everything we do is included in the cost of the trip. If your student takes medication, you will need to complete a medication form. We will have someone designated to distribute medication. Emergencies – parents are contacted and we will make any necessary arrangements to take care of the kids. If alternate payment arrangements need to be made, please contact Mrs. Wright. We do allow them to take their cell phone, but no other electronics are allowed.

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