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Design Contracts and Errors A Software Development Strategy

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1 Design Contracts and Errors A Software Development Strategy
Research by Eivind J. Nordby from Computer Science Karlstad University

2 Contracts - Preconditions and Postconditions
In module design, the obligations and benefits of the contracts are regulated through preconditions and postconditions Client Interface Supplier Required Offered Obligation: Assure precondition Method Precondition Benefit: Assume precondition Benefit: Assume postcondition Obligation: Assure postcondition Postcondition 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

3 Design Contracts: Basic Principles
Client Supplier Supplier Client Precondition not met Precondition met Correct Postcondition met ! QIQO Postcondition not met ? Correct GIGO result undefined 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

4 Some Details about the Class Stack
Assume that these functions are defined for a stack: top() returns a reference to the topmost element on the stack the element itself is unaffected by the operation the element remains on the stack size() returns the number of elements currently on the stack Assume these implementation details about a stack: the stack is implemented using an array called elements topIndex is the index of the topmost element on the stack 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

5 Different Styles of Calling a Function
Obtaining the top element of a stack defensive programming, with no explicit contract Implicit precondition for top: true Client code ...pushes and pops... try { anElement =; } catch(stackEmptyException sEE) { printErrorMessage(); 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

6 Different Styles of Calling a Function
Obtaining the top element of a stack offensive programming, with an explicit, strong contract Precondition for top: !isEmpty() Client code ...pushes and pops... if(!myStack.isEmpty()) anElement = else printErrorMessage(); 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

7 Different Styles of Implementing a Function
Stack implementation in defensive programming Object top() throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { if (size() > 0) return elements[topIndex]; else throw(new IndexOutOfBoundsException()); } Stack implementation in offensive programming Based on an explicit, strong contract Object top() 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

8 Weak vs. Strong Contracts
Weak contract not qualified qualified Qualified input required Client responsibility Strong contract Any input accepted not OK OK failure success Double responsibility 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

9 Contract principles, page
Comparison Weak contracts Are needed where a correct call cannot be assured Providing an open-ended exit Strong contracts Simplifies the solution by reducing complexity Simplifies error detection by allocating responsibilities Strong contracts should be used whenever possible 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

10 What are Contracts Good for?
??? A moment of reflection: What are Contracts Good for? ? ??? generate more paperwork? 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

11 Benefits from applying contracts
1 Design support tool Contributes to a better design 2 Documentation tool The contracts for a module describe the module 3 Maintenance tool The contracts for a module identify how changes affect clients Error detection tool – avoid exceptions When a condition is executable, it may be verified by the software itself Error detection can avoid error handling 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

12 Example : Contract Implementation
Assume that the list is implemented using an array of Objects Declared as Object[] stackArray = new Object[MaxSize] Create & Implement a contract for the getElement() operation for the stack getElement(int position) should return the element at the given position of a list Positions are counted from 1 Precondition: Informal: position is ok. Executable: (0 < position) && (position <= size()) Postcondition: The the object at the given position is returned 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

13 Contract principles, page
A Solution Object getElement(int position) { return stackArray[position - 1]; } No checking of the boundaries is needed That is taken care of by the precondition The precondition states that position should be 0 < position && position <= listSize() This implies that indexing goes from 1 as seen from the outside Inside the method, the indexing goes from zero The index has to be adjusted when passing from the external to the internal view 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

14 Alternative implementation of getElement
List Assume that the list is implemented using a linked list The List class has a reference first to the first node in the list Each node has a reference next to the next node in the list Each node has a reference data to the data value of that node Repeat previous example for this data structure The data object at the selected position should be returned first data Node Object next Node Object next 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

15 Suggested Solution for Linked List
public Object getElement(int position) { Node temp = first; int i = 1; // Index of temp while(i < position) temp = temp.getNext(); i++; // termination guaranteed by pre // i == position, temp -> sought element return temp.getData(); } // getElement 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

16 What Happens if the Precondition is not Satisfied?
Appendix B What Happens if the Precondition is not Satisfied?

17 Different Strategies for Handling Violated Preconditions
Since the client has not kept its part of the contract, the supplier has no obligations whatsoever The supplier can do whatever it wants Two possible strategies Do nothing special try to perform the task in the normal way hope that the system will die :-) Trap the violation and make the system die exit (or throw an undocumented runtime exception) possibly dump an error code to a log file 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

18 An Example of Handling Precondition Violations
getElement method in a list The precondition states that position should be ok If the position is not ok, the system will still survive as long as position is within the array boundaries. One approach is to trap the violation and make the system die to notify the developer to correct the error in the client code // Pre: positionOK(position) // Post: the selected element is returned from the list Object getElement(int position) { if(Compilation.ASSERT_IS_ON) Assert.isTrue(positionOK(position)); return elements[position]; } 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

19 Do Not Try to Handle the Error
Do not handle errors and allow the system to go on The client should not be aware of any exceptions that might be thrown. It could be tempted to catch it and thereby allow the error to live on Documenting an error exception would implement a different contract than the one specified for the method The client is not aware of the test From the client’s point of view, there is no “security net” The test can be removed without affecting the contract since it is not part of the contract There is no recovery from the error The only measure taken if the precondition is violated is to exit the system It is an error trap, not an error handling 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

20 Rules for Precondition Violation Traps
The trap should be completely transparent to the client No return value to test or exception to catch A trap causes the program to die when it detects an error The user should develop the client code without resorting to the traps The traps may be disabled or enabled without his knowledge The supplier code should produce the same result with a trap as without it The program may be run with traps enabled or disabled The trap should not affect the behavior of the system in any way In particular, the trap should not change any variables 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

21 External and internal errors and their contracts
Appendix C External and internal errors and their contracts

22 External and Internal Interfaces
A system part exposes interfaces External or internal System part External interface Internal interface Supplier 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

23 Contract principles, page
External Interfaces Some possible sources of external errors Software Components Hardware Components Other System Error Data Bases The System End Users Error Error 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

24 Contract principles, page
Internal Interfaces Some possible sources of internal errors The system Designers Programmers Error Design Fault Program Fault Error Violation Violation 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

25 External and Internal Errors
On a permanent basis, consistent until the software is corrected On a per use basis, varying from case to case External errors Committed by end users or external systems Databases, external components, hardware Cause violation of external interfaces Internal errors Committed by developers Result in faults in the software Cause violation of internal interfaces 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

26 Correspondence Contracts  Errors
External errors Correct input cannot be assured wrong input should be handled and the user informed Best managed by weak contracts Internal errors Correct input can be assures System faults should be detected And corrected by the responsible author Best managed by strong contracts 11/1/2019 Contract principles, page

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