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Welcome to 3rd Grade  Please Sign in. Sheets on the back table.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 3rd Grade  Please Sign in. Sheets on the back table."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 3rd Grade  Please Sign in. Sheets on the back table.

2 Northwoods Elementary
Third Grade Staff Mrs. Teresa Combs ) Mrs. Tara Powers Mrs. Tracy Mrs. Sharon Stingley Mrs. Dara Platon Weebly: s and Weebly can be found on the Northwoods Site.

3 Rules and Procedures School Procedures Classroom Rules & Procedures
Please sign in at the office before you visit the classroom. Volunteer Background Check/Online Registration Student Absences (Leaving before 12:15 is considered an absence). Please send in a note upon their return. Lunch Money (Kids must add to their accounts before school and pay attention to the amount in their account.) Students are marked late if they are not in their seats at 9:15. KNN is now shown at 9:10 AM TRANSPORTATION CHANGES: Must be made in writing, or with a phone call to the office. Classroom Rules & Procedures C.L.I.M.B. Class Dojo/Point System Clipboard Snacks We have snack time each day. Please send in only ONE snack. Teachers will accept snack donations for students.

4 Curriculum Curriculum-Common Core Curriculum- English Language Arts (ELA)-120 minutes Math-60 Minutes Social Studies/Science-35 Minutes Koala Time-30 Minutes New ELA Curriculum

5 Health Plans If your child has a health condition-severe allergy, asthma, etc and requires medication at school, please make sure that you complete a 1702 plan. This form is completed by your doctor and is kept on file in the office, along with medication. We cannot administer any medication without this form! Please let you child’s teacher know too!

6 Toys and Electronics and Cards
Please do not allow your child to bring any toys, games, electronics, or Pokemon Type cards to school! If they bring items for after school care, the items must remain in their bookbags! Classes can earn a “Game Day” reward and you will be notified when the reward has been earned! We will have “Fun Friday” each Friday for those students who have earned it. Students can bring games or toys for Fun Friday.

7 Switching Classes: Science and Social Studies
Each topic is taught for approximately 4 weeks. Science Structures and Functions of Living Organisms (Combs) Matter: Structure, Properties, and Change/Energy Conservation and Transfer (Stingley) Earth in the Universe (Powers) Earth Systems, Structures, and Processes/Ecosystems (Kiersztyn) Force and Motion (Platon) Social Studies Civics and Government (Kiersztyn) Economics and Financial Literacy (Stingley) Geography and Environmental Literacy (Powers) History and Culture (Combs)

8 Schedule 9:15-11:15-ELA 11:15-11:35-Math 11:40-1:05-Specials/Lunch
1:55-2:25-Science/Social Studies 2:30-3:00-Recess 3:00-3:35-Koala Time

9 Grading and Homework Grading-
4: Exemplary, 3:Proficient, 2: Approaching Proficiency, 1: Non-Proficient Homework-Given on Monday and returned on Friday Weekly Homework: 2 Math sheets/2 Reading Passage-Front and Back Spelling-For Morning Work

10 Homework-Continued Nightly Homework
Students should read for 20 minutes each night. Spelling work-Students need to complete 4 assignments each week. They should complete work during morning work time. Practice Multiplication Facts!

11 Field Trips for the Year
Jordan Lake Educational Center-October(approx. $8.00) Morehead Planetarium-March (approx. $16.00) We are requesting that you to use the online payment system to pay for field trips. Permission slips will be sent home by the end of the month.

12 Testing, Testing, and More Testing
Beginning of Grade Test (BOG)-September 10 CogAt-October IOWA-December (Select Students) End of Grade Test (EOG)- Read to Achieve-(Select Students)

13 Read to Achieve

14 Parent Involvement *Help your child become an independent/
self-motivated learner *Encourage responsibility at home for homework and school tasks *Check Weebly Site and Friday Folders-Please empty folders weekly! *Conferences/Communication *Join the PTA (this can be done tonight! ) *Volunteer Sign Up-located in media center

15 Conferences Sign-ups will be sent home for conferences that will be held towards the end of October and/or the beginning of November. We will use Memberhub or signup genius.

16 IMPORTANT!!!!! Please make sure that you signed in.
Complete volunteer sign up in media center Reminder: Make up days will be Nov 1 and Dec 20

17 Questions and Answers Thanks for coming!

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