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PBC Strategic Enrollment Management Committee

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1 PBC Strategic Enrollment Management Committee
August 28, 2019

2 Agenda Agenda Item Discussion Lead Time Allotted
Welcome & Introductions of new members Agenda Overview Robinson and Engel 2.5 Follow up item: Look at gender composition of Cañada Service Area PRIE SEM Schedule and Work Plan for fall 2019 DRAFT 5 Understanding FTES trends Presentation of research into the decline in FTES v. headcount An analysis of low-enrolled students by home campus and units taken Engel and Claxton 50 ADJOURN

3 Meeting Date Topic Lead/Guest Presenter
August 28, 2019 Understanding Impacts on FTES and Cañada student journeys/Guided Pathways Projects PRIE/VPSS September 11, 2019 Career Education program development Career exploration & job placement Julian Branch September 25, 2019 Menlo Park October 23, 2019 FYE (JAMS, COLTS Con and Student Success Teams) Early College Experiences Perez Robinson October 30, 2019 Optimizing the Course Schedule (program maps) Robinson, Engel, Peña November 6, 2019 Online instruction November 20, 2019 KAD December 4, 2019 Review Draft SEM Plan to be submitted to PBC Robinson and Engel

4 PBC requested members of the Committee
Academic Senate President Classified Senate President Faculty:  1 from STEM, 1 from CE, and DE Coordinator/Humanities Students Promise Scholars Program Coordinator VPI VPSS All Instructional Deans Dean of Counseling Registrar Assessment & Placement Office Marketing & Outreach PRIE Office

5 Population by gender in college service area
Male Female Atherton 50.3% 49.7% East Palo Alto 50.6% 49.4% Menlo Park 49.1% 50.9% North Fair Oks 51.1% 48.9% Redwood City 50.1% 49.9% San Carlos 47.7% 52.3% Woodside 46.4% 53.6% Source: U.S. Census

6 Cañada College Enrollment Patterns

7 FTES and Headcount Headcount relatively stable FTES has been dropping
Students taking fewer units on average

8 Average Units Academic Year Average Units 2013-2014 9.4 2014-2015 9.2
9.3 9.0 8.9 Average Units Average units taken has declined Canada College home campus students remain stable Average units tell an incomplete picture Add Canada to units taken drop courses

9 Headcount by Unit Load 16-17% across the two highest unit loads
24 or more 12 to to to 6 3 or fewer 5 year diff unit diff 16-17% loss in two highest unit loads 16-17% across the two highest unit loads

10 One Full-time Student Equivalent
24 or more 12 to 6.5 to 3 to 3 or fewer

11 Unit Load by home campus 2018 - 2019
Most non-Canada students are enrolling in few units at Canada per year A large proportion of Canada students are enrolling in few units at Canada per year Non-Canada %<12 = 89.8 % %<12 = 66.1 % District wide unit taking % units taken at Canada

12 Ed Goals and Modality Sankey charts

13 Fall to Spring Persistence
Canada student persistence has increased slightly Non-Canada students have decreased in their persistence This is in line with fewer yearly courses taken

14 Fall to Spring Persistence by Unit Load
Term units now, approximated similar bands

15 Headcount by year and home campus
~6% reduction in Canada proportion % decline

16 Headcount by term and home campus
Pull term level details Trend for non-Canada

17 Single Course Students
One course in an academic year

18 Single Course Students
~43% of annual headcount ~16% of annual units taken ~50% Canada home campus Modality Sankey

19 Single course success by modality
Clustered column chart

20 Top 20 single course enrollment by home campus
Count Canada MATH 200 80 ESL 921 75 BIOL 250 63 BIOL 130 53 ENGL 100 50 ENGL 110 47 ESL 800 45 FASH 110 MATH 110 44 BIOL 240 40 BIOL 260 35 ECE. 201 BUS. 100 33 ESL 911 MATH 120 PSYC 100 31 CIS 118 30 BIOL 310 29 ECE. 212 CHEM 210 28 Split into two slides Look into total earned units - Are these students whwo have a lot of units already?

21 Top 20 single course enrollment by home campus
Count Non-Canada MATH 200 108 ENGL 110 76 BUS. 201 64 BUS. 103 62 BUS. 100 61 PSYC 100 55 OCEN 100 54 ENGL 100 53 BIOL 130 47 BIOL 310 CIS 250 46 MATH 110 44 BIOL 250 43 MATH 120 PHIL 100 41 PLSC 210 39 ASTR 100 37 BIOL 260 COMM 110 35 GEOG 100 Split into two slides Look into total earned units - Are these students whwo have a lot of units already?

22 Top 20 single course enrollments by modality
Course Type Course Count Face to Face ESL 921 75 Hybrid (Web Assisted) BIOL 260 35 Online BIOL 130 38 BIOL 250 63 SPAN 110 18 MATH 200 ESL 800 45 PSYC 100 16 MATH 110 36 FASH 110 ENGL 100 11 CIS 118 30 BIOL 240 40 9 MATH 120 29 ESL 911 33 SPAN 120 BIOL 310 27 ECE. 223 7 BUS. 100 CHEM 192 25 ECE. 263 6 BUS. 201 CHEM 210 ENGL 110 PHIL 100 23 ENGL 847 22 BIOL 110 5 CIS 250 ESL 922 21 CRER 137 4 ECE. 201 20 PSYC 205 GEOG 100 ESL 912 COMM 130 3 ECE. 212 19 EDUC 200 ESL 914 MUS. 240 MATH 253 ECE. 333 2 PLSC 210 ART 119 17 FITN 334.1 HIST 106 CHEM 220 FITN 304.1 DANC 125.1 PLSC 310 BUS. 103 RADT 468 SPAN 111 ECE. 211

23 Top 20 course Canada students take at Skyline/CSM
Count Success Rate PSYC-100 174 70.1% ENGL-110 154 68.8% MATH-200 138 53.6% MATH-120 128 64.1% ENGL-100 124 74.2% ACTG-121 119 70.6% HIST-201 111 73.9% PSYC-200 103 80.6% ACTG-131 99 84.8% SOCI-100 76.8% ASTR-100 98 70.4% BIOL-250 96 56.3% COMM-130 92 87.0% COMM-110 90 81.1% MATH-251 77 57.1% BUS.-100 75 73.3% ENGL-105 74 52.7% ACTG-100 73 52.1% ECON-100 70 62.9% MUS.-100 69 69.6%

24 Further Inquiry Districtwide unit load/proportion of units taken at Canada Disaggregation of equity variables Other ideas?

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