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ECE 445 Spring Head Orientation Tracking Module for Headphones

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1 ECE 445 Spring 2019 - Head Orientation Tracking Module for Headphones
Group 46 Molly Fane, Sally Zhou, Cary Zhu Cary

2 Introduction Worked with Professor Eli Fieldsteel, Director of Experimental Music Studios Deliver a more immersive and realistic audio experience Make it feel as though the sound is coming from fixed positions in a room despite moving your head Cary

3 Objective A device capable of
Attaching to any pair of over-the-ear headphones Communicating accurate data about the orientation of the head back to computer Orientation: roll, pitch, yaw Cary

4 Physical Diagram Cary - sensor sends data to the computer, computer sends sound signal to the box

5 Sally

6 PCB Indicator LED’s Sensor Chip & Peripherals Bluetooth Connections
Bluetooth Module Battery Connector Jack 3.3v Regulator 5v Regulator Test Points for Code Upload Sally ATMega2560 Chip

7 PCB Design: Extra Features
EAGLE used to design PCB Schottky Diodes on USB and 9V power supplies. Test points Power LED Status LED USB and Bluetooth breakout boards. Molly

8 Power Unit Battery: 9V Battery (5% Tolerance) Regulators
The regulators take 9 volts from battery to produce 5±0.5V and 3.3±0.3V Capable of delivering 0.501A for 3.3V Capable of delivering 0.50mA for 5V Cary

9 Power Unit Schematic Cary - 5V for atmega2560 and bluetooth

10 Computational Unit: Microcontroller
Drives accelerometer, magnetometer to produce orientation Used ATmega2560 Chip Drives Bluetooth controller Programmed using USB breakout board Sally

11 Computational Unit: Bluetooth Transceiver
Sustains connection with computer for a minimum 5 meters away Returns data at 9600 Baud (50Hz framerate for 3 float-64 values) Accessed through serial connection within SuperCollider or through a PuTTY Terminal Sally

12 Sensor Unit Accelerometer Records 3-axis acceleration data
Magnetometer Records 3-axis magnetic north data Used LSM303 Communicate ≥ 30Hz (fastest kHz) Sally

13 Sensor Unit - Tilt Compensated Heading
Accelerometer outputs gravity vector: (G1, G2, G3) Magnetometer outputs Magnetic North vector: (N1, N2, N3) Trigonometry Molly

14 Sensor Unit - Magnetometer Calibration

15 Software: Algorithm Calibration Weights and Offsets Low-pass filter
2 tap weighted average Tilt Compensated Heading Calculation Bluetooth communication On/Off with LED status Reset front direction Molly

16 Software: Front Calibration
Yaw is calibrated using the current “front” orientation Updated_Yaw = mod(Sensed_Yaw - Front_Yaw, 2π) Subtract yaw from instance front reset trigger is pressed from all later yaw calculations Modulo 360° Molly

17 Software: SuperCollider Integration
Platform for audio synthesis and algorithmic composition Sally

18 Challenges PCB Assembly Sensor chip Small capacitors
Lack of test points Sally

19 Challenges PCB Assembly Sensor chip Small capacitors
Lack of test points Sally

20 Challenges Code often would not upload to ATMega2560
Irregular behavior Did not diagnose problem before damaging original board Cary - often faulty capacity

21 Future Development Improved PCB design for better portability and integration Have a complete sound system to produce a variety of types of sounds Possible projects with VR applications Cary

22 Acknowledgements Professor Eli Fieldsteel Zhen Qin
Professor Arne Fliflet ECE 445 Course Staff Cary

23 Thank You Questions? Sally

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