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Why do I keep getting shopped?? AGENDA

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2 Why do I keep getting shopped?? AGENDA
Purpose of Shops Common Myths What should I be looking for? Expectations Shop report Best Practices

3 There is no FAILURE unless you fail to LEARN.
Every shop is an opportunity to LEARN, not an opportunity to be JUDGED. There is no FAILURE unless you fail to LEARN.

4 Why do I keep getting shopped??
COMMON MYTHS Nobody looks at these anyways… We always know when it’s a shop so it’s kind of a pointless exercise… The same people at my hotel keep getting shopped so it isn’t really a fair assessment of my team… My Sales position is open so we shouldn’t be doing shops until the position is filled… These don’t really apply to my hotel…

5 Things I should be looking for beyond the score…
How did the caller get to the Sales Manager? How engaging is the initial greeting? What was the lag time between leaving a message and getting a call back? Flow of qualification? Dead air? Good listening? How knowledgeable about competition? Did they “sell”?

6 Things I should be looking for beyond the score…
RATE – do we ever go back and compare the rate quoted to what should have been quoted? DID THEY ATTEMPT TO CLOSE? How long did it take for follow up to be sent? Did the sales manager try to call the client back to follow up on decision? (if applicable)

7 Expectations You update your hotel profile consistently.
You personally listen to every shop. You celebrate key components of the shop and not just the score. Your sales managers listen to their shops and critique themselves. You track improvement on individual scores.


9 Prism Shop Report Carmen Shoulders l Hospitality Softnet, Inc.
(o)   l 

10 Best Practices/Obstacles
Sharing Scores Improving Scores Listening and Learning Hotel profile forms Using Hospitality Softnet

11 Other Misc. (unrelated)
Internet Prospecting classes – March, April, May Screen Pilot Michael Van Sales School Questions??

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