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7TH Grade Social Studies Mr. Eisenhardt & Mrs. Nerko

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Presentation on theme: "7TH Grade Social Studies Mr. Eisenhardt & Mrs. Nerko"— Presentation transcript:

1 7TH Grade Social Studies Mr. Eisenhardt & Mrs. Nerko
WELCOME! 7TH Grade Social Studies Mr. Eisenhardt & Mrs. Nerko

2 Contact Mass emails will be sent home periodically.
Always feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Response time will be 24 hours at the most. &

3 Contact Mass emails will be sent home periodically.
Always feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns. Response time will be 24 hours at the most. &

4 What will my child be learning this year in social studies?
Engaging Content Deeper Understanding of Themes and Concepts Educational Technology Literacy Skills

5 How will my child be graded?
TESTS/QUIZZES 30/20=50% Long-Term Assignments(LTA) 20% Homework/Class work 25% Class Participation 5% TOTAL 100%

6 Websites Webpages are updated daily and will allow both students and parents to see what topics are covered in class, handouts, and homework.

7 Absences Work that has been assigned the day of an excused absence is due the day after the student returns to school. Materials will be posted on the E-board. Students who miss class are strongly encouraged to come to extra help.

8 Extra Help Offered every Tuesday at 7:15 in D-5, and the morning of exams. Mrs. Nerko will have extra help Wednesday after school in C2-6 Any conflicts will be addressed on a student to student basis

9 I anticipate a successful school year!
“History is a guide to navigation in perilous times…it is who we are.” -David C. McCullough

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