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1 Learn more at:
Key Practices Facilitator Name Learn more at:


3 Change is Produced by What we DO

4 Change Cycle

5 Keep it small and simple

6 Instruction Set A Align the short, right edge of this instructional memo with the left, short edge of the memo. While gently holding the aligned edges down on a solid, horizontal plane, slide your open palm from the point of the aligned edges toward the middle of the page, pressing the page flat. Now hold the instructional memo at the top with your left hand and with your right thumb on the anterior surface of the page and your index finger on the posterior surface of the page, slowly press together and slide from the top to the bottom. Continuing to hold the page with your left hand at the top, begin again with your right thumb on the front and index finger on the back, this time pressing the sharp edge of your thumbnail and index fingernail along the picture.

7 Fold this piece of paper in half.
Instruction Set B Fold this piece of paper in half.

8 Keep it Small and Simple
Keep reporting to a minimum. Print or copy materials in black and white on basic quality paper. Teach Church Training Modules in a way that can be easily replicated in a village church. Encourage churches to think about simple Acts of Love to start.

9 What are some ways you see you might be tempted to over-complicate things or make things too big?

10 Understand that this Programme Starts Slowly

11 Exponential Curve

12 Recognise It Will Look Messy

13 Be Aware of the Adoption Curve

14 Adoption Curve

15 After Learning Module 1, one facilitator goes back and teaches it to his church. A short while later you receive a proposal from him asking for money to dig a well in the community. You've heard from others that that particular village really struggles with having access to clean water. A well would help the community tremendously. The church is relatively small and poor, so they do not have many people to raise funds for a well.

16 Using Key Practices to Respond
How will you respond to this facilitator’s request for funds? How can these Key Practices help you address the situation?

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