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Persian Wars.

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Presentation on theme: "Persian Wars."— Presentation transcript:

1 Persian Wars

2 Come in 3 Waves Battle of Marathon – Athens vs. the Persian Empire
City-States – Athens & Sparta vs. the Persian Empire Alexander the Great vs. the Persian Empire

3 Battle of Marathon People to know General Miltiades Pheidippides Darius

4 Facts of the Battle of Marathon
Persians vs. Athens – approx. 480BCE P = 20,000 soldiers vs. A = 10,000 soldiers Athens needs Sparta’s help Run of Pheidippides Losses Strategy of Miltiades

5 Results Persians lose No land is exchanged

6 City-States vs. Persia People to Know Xerxes

7 Facts of the Battle Hellespont Crossing Persia = 350,000 soldiers
Battle of Thermopolyae Burning of Athens Battle of Salamis Battle of Platea

8 Results Persians are no longer a threat
Greeks dominate the Mediterranean area Begins the “Golden Age of Athens” Athens becomes the leading city state. The leader of Athens is Pericles.

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