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centre of excellence for equity in higher education

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1 centre of excellence for equity in higher education
It’s about time: The invisibility of temporal inequalities in higher education  the Educator Network Showcase Matthew Bunn, Anna Bennett Penny Jane Burke

2 Research Overview Research Team: Penny Jane Burke, Anna Bennett, Matthew Bunn, Justine Groiszard Investigating the way in which time is experienced by staff and students, and trying to highlight differential access to temporal resources Exploring and problematizing issues of ‘temporal equity’ -- highlighting the manifold ways this might be experienced, but made invisible in higher education @uon_ceehe

3 Publications Bunn M Bennett A and Burke PJ (2018) In the anytime: flexible time structures, student experience and temporal equity in higher education. Time and Society: Online First. Bennett A and Burke PJ (2018) Re/conceptualising time and temporality: an exploration of time in higher education. Discourse: Studies in the cultural politics of education. 39(6): Reports available to download: @uon_ceehe

4 Investment and time and space: imagining the future of higher education
In-depth interviews with 20 academic staff and 15 postgraduate students in Business, Law, Economics, Humanities, Social Science, Education and Fine Arts Exploring how the future of the university is perceived, understood, and experienced Aims to consider how certain futures are produced within universities @uon_ceehe

5 Film: Temporal and Material Inequalities @uon_ceehe

6 Question 1 What kind of things/experiences/circumstances impact upon people’s different access to time? Because I know people that live at home and I just envy them so much. They must have it so easy just having to go home and they've got nothing to worry about. Whereas you've got to work, buy groceries, clean the house, make dinner and all that sort of thing; do your washing. Whereas they don't do that so they can focus on uni so much more (Dolores, Law). @uon_ceehe

7 Question 2 How might these factors manifest in student experiences of HE study and learning? I guess, trying to... when someone says... Casual [work], it's like, "Are you available now? On this day?" You feel that obligation to be like, "Yes, I'm available." Because you don't really want to cut that off. Then trying to fit in where I can study in other parts as well (Florence, Speech Pathology). @uon_ceehe

8 Question 3 What can we do to better accommodate different student experiences of time? I think it’s actually important to have that stretched out period so they actually have time to think about, well, the concepts (Elsa, Academic Faculty of Education and Arts) @uon_ceehe

9 Question 4 What are some of the obstacles for academics and teachers in providing quality support? In the case of my online teaching I have got courses with maybe forty students. I sit in my office by a screen. They can see me, I can see them and it’s Blackboard collaborate, it’s what I use. There is all these little faces there and then when they want to ask a question they click a button for Raise Hand and I see, “Click, Click.” I said, “Okay,” I click on that person, the person’s face appears bigger and then the person talks and asks a question and then I answer. They can see what I am writing on the tablet and what I do is I run tutorials. Of course, I am permanent so I can do this because I have got time (Benita, Academic, Faculty of Education and Arts). @uon_ceehe

10 @MatthewBunn9 @uon_ceehe
Thank you @MatthewBunn9 @uon_ceehe

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