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Welcome to Mrs. Mylan’s and Mrs. Amiel’s ELA Class

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Mylan’s and Mrs. Amiel’s ELA Class"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Mylan’s and Mrs. Amiel’s ELA Class
Room 605

2 A little about Mrs. Mylan
Baby Ashton!  My dogs, Bailey and Athena! Mrs. Mylan, her husband, Matthew, and Ashton 

3 Class Procedures and Expectations Mrs. Mylan, ELA
What do I do if …..

4 Arriving Once you have been WELCOMED into the room:
Enter the classroom quietly Make sure that your phones are turned off or silent before class begins Sit in your assigned seat by the time the bell rings to begin class (not after). Begin working on bell work

5 Leaving Class Remember, your instructor excuses you, not the bell.
Before the bell rings, I will give you PLENTY of time to pack up, so you must wait until I say to pack up out of respect for the teacher and for learning. When you are seated at your desk and silent, I will excuse you to leave class. I will excuse you by saying, “Have a great day!”

6 Cellphones May be used before school, at lunch, and after school.
Turn off/Silence cellphone in class Put it in your backpack You may not use cellphones in class unless you are specifically asked to use those. Discipline system will be set in motion when disregarding expectations.

7 Water/Food Only water may be brought into the classroom.
Water may be purchased by teachers on campus or at vending machine NO FOOD in the classroom - brings pests.

8 If I/teacher needs to get your attention…
I will RAISE MY HAND and say “Give me 5” You will: Stop whatever you were doing. Face me and pay attention. Raise your hand and give me in return Be ready for instruction; I will have something to say.

9 What do I do if? I need to sharpen my pencil? I raise my hand and
make the correct signal I need to wait until instruction/discussion has stopped. Period 1 and 2 left off here

10 I need to throw something away?
What do I do if? I need to throw something away? When Mrs. Mylan is not speaking to the class, raise your hand and ask to throw it away. Then, go right back to your assigned seat. Period 4,5, and 6 left off here

11 I have an immediate question?
What do I do if… I have an immediate question? a. Raise your hand quietly. b. Wait until you are recognized by your teacher to ask your question.

12 What do I do if? I need to use the restroom?
I wait until after the first 10 minutes of class; then I will use the appropriate hand signal. Mrs. Mylan will say yes or no I sign the sign out sheet in the notebook by the door and take the Hall Pass with me.

13 What do I do if? I was absent?
I go to the Absent Work Bin by the brick wall and get the assignment(s) that you missed. I have one day for each day I was absent, plus one additional day to make up the work. It is my responsibility to pick up the work and turn it in on time.

14 What do I do if? I am going to turn in an assignment late?
You will receive late credit (equivalent to 50% or lower) It is a Hillcrest Middle School’s policy to NOT accept late work. Projects, long-term assignments and writing assignments may not be turned in late. They must be turned in the day they are due or you will receive a zero!

15 What do I need to bring with me to every class?
1 spiral notebook 1 2-pocket folder 2-3 Pencils with erasers Pens (AT LEAST 1 each of black, red, blue, and a color of your choosing) Set of 4 Highlighters (yellow, green, orange, and a color of your choosing) 1 set of colored pencils, scissors, and glue sticks (optional) HAVE THESE ITEMS BY MONDAY, 8/12 Extra credit for tissue and/or antibacterial wipes (i.e. Clorox wipes)!!


17 What is the classroom discipline plan?
MTSS-B Step 1: Universal Interventions (Warning/Redirection) Step 2: Minor Incident Report with Interventions Step 3: Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Call/ Step 4: Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Phone Call - you are present for this Step 5: Major Behavior Referral to the office It is possible to skip steps and go straight to an office referral for extreme/severe behavior

18 ISN and Other papers ISN (Interactive Student Notebooks) will be checked periodically. Keep your Table of Contents updated Glue/tape necessary handouts into ISN.

19 Heading on Papers First and Last name Date Class Period
Assignment Title Located in the upper left-hand corner of your paper NO NAME = NO CREDIT

20 When is homework/extended classwork collected?
Homework/extended classwork is collected at the beginning of class.

21 Where do I find out what we are doing today/this week?
To find out what we are doing today, I look at the agenda on the board To find out what we are doing this week, I look at the agenda on the board I can also look on Mrs. Mylan’s classroom website and PLANBOOK to find out what we are going to be doing.

22 Expectations when working in a group
Only one person gets the necessary supplies Begin working If you have a question, ask your group first, check the instructions, then ask Mrs. Mylan. When you are done, clean up your area (including the floor).

23 Fire Drill Ms. Mylan’s class lines up on the PE fields between Mrs. Miller’s and Mrs. Valdez’s class If there is a fire drill in between classes, go to the next class’ line up location Line up quietly (yes, that means NO talking at all)

24 Lock-Down Drill After the announcement of the drill:
Teacher will lock the door Everyone must move away from the door/windows Everyone must remain silent This is not a time to use cellphones, etc.

25 Homework: Review this power point online, your notes, and the syllabus (it is located on my class website. Be prepared for a quiz on Monday!

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