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The growing problem of e-cigarettes and ‘Juuling’ at Waimea HS

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1 The growing problem of e-cigarettes and ‘Juuling’ at Waimea HS
Parent/Guardian information February 2019

2 What’s going on? Vaping on campus has become a serious problem at Waimea HS; students are vaping everywhere. While we catch some students, the mods or e-cigarette delivery system, are small, easy to conceal, and look like flash drives. We need your help.

3 The law and chapter 19: The law states you must be 21 or older to purchase tobacco products and/or electronic cigarettes in Hawaii It’s illegal to use or possess electronic cigarettes in public places or on state property Under Chapter 19, schools only need reasonable suspicion that a law or school/DOE rule has been violated in order to act Students will be suspended and our officer will arrest if he feels he has a case

4 Please watch this video
Dangers of e-cigarettes: how to talk to your kids November 2018

5 We need your help Please talk to your student and watch the video together. We are bringing in speakers to talk to our 9th graders first and will increase over this semester. Encourage your son or daughter to make good choices. Suspension may impact his or her ability to participate in extracurricular activities, up to and including athletics, prom, and walking at graduation. If you have questions, please call Mrs. Anguay at the school,

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