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Magnification Investigation!

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Presentation on theme: "Magnification Investigation!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnification Investigation!
Pg. 14

2 What do things look like super close up
What do things look like super close up! We will be looking at images of common things magnified with a Microscope. Elodea Diamond Wood

3 Noctiluca scintillans, a species of phytoplankton, are shown in this magnified image
What do you notice??

4 What to look for What patterns do you see? Think about shape.
Are the shapes you see close together, varying distances, overlapping, is there open space between or touching?

5 Be sure to be detailed and use only observations when completing.
Stations At each station will be two magnified images. You will complete the detailed observations for each one. You will have 5 minutes to complete before we switch stations. Be sure to be detailed and use only observations when completing. No inferences! Do not use, It looks like…..!

6 Post lab- finding Patterns.
Work with your group to complete. Use complete sentences and think like scientist! Really work hard to make strong connections using your detailed observations.

7 What do you notice the human/animal samples have in common?
Class Discussion What do you notice the human/animal samples have in common? They all have repeating circular shapes. Each larger circle has a smaller circle inside. Doesn’t seem to be a pattern. Next day after they have had time to complete finding patterns. They all have repeating shapes. (circles or rectangular) They all have dots in each shape.

8 2. What do you notice the plant samples have in common?
Class Discussion 2. What do you notice the plant samples have in common? They all have repeating geometric shapes. They have a dot in each shape. Each shape is touching another shape in a brick like pattern. The outer line of each shape is thick. Next day after they have had time to complete finding patterns. They all have repeating shapes. (circles or rectangular) They all have dots in each shape.

9 Class Discussion 3. What do you notice is different about the animal images compared to the plant images? The animal shapes are more round and there is no consistent patterns while the plant shapes are more rectangular and touching in a consistent pattern. They are lined up in rows. The animals outer lines are thinner than the plant ones. Next day after they have had time to complete finding patterns. They all have repeating shapes. (circles or rectangular) They all have dots in each shape.

10 Class Discussion 4. What do you notice is different about the non-living materials compared to the samples of animals and plants? Why do you think this is different. All the living images had shapes with dots in each while the non-living materials did not. Some of the non-living images had square shapes some are one piece. I think this is because……….. Next day after they have had time to complete finding patterns. They all have repeating shapes. (circles or rectangular) They all have dots in each shape.

11 5. Make a claim as to what makes something living.
Evidence I claim that living things have small shapes, repeating patterns that have dots. All 4 animal images have repeating circular shapes with dots in each one. All 4 plant images had rectangular shapes that were lined up in rows and had dots in each. Not all of the non-living things had shapes and none of them had dots inside the shapes.

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