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(A–E) demonstrate a kidney biopsy from a patient with lupus nephritis (LN) class V. Representative micrographs: (A), an inflammatory infiltrate with T.

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Presentation on theme: "(A–E) demonstrate a kidney biopsy from a patient with lupus nephritis (LN) class V. Representative micrographs: (A), an inflammatory infiltrate with T."— Presentation transcript:

1 (A–E) demonstrate a kidney biopsy from a patient with lupus nephritis (LN) class V. Representative micrographs: (A), an inflammatory infiltrate with T cells as demonstrated by a positive CD3 staining. (A–E) demonstrate a kidney biopsy from a patient with lupus nephritis (LN) class V. Representative micrographs: (A), an inflammatory infiltrate with T cells as demonstrated by a positive CD3 staining. (B), demonstration of interferon (IFN)-λ staining, predominantly found in the inflammatory infiltrate shown in (A) but also present in the glomeruli. (C), the same infiltrate from a consecutive section, stained with irrelevant isotype control antibody. (D), another part of the biopsy from the same patient, showing an inflammatory infiltrate with T cells as demonstrated by positive CD3 staining. (E), demonstration of IFNλ staining in that infiltrate. Original magnifications: ×20. (F), predominant expression of IFNλ in a cellular crescent formation in the glomeruli (original magnifications: ×40) in a kidney biopsy from a patient with LN class IV. Agneta Zickert et al. Lupus Sci Med 2016;3:e000170 ©2016 by Lupus Foundation of America

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