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Quality Enhancement Cell QEC Progress: An Overview

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1 Quality Enhancement Cell QEC Progress: An Overview
GC University Lahore Quality Enhancement Cell QEC Progress: An Overview Presented by: Iram Sohail Director-QEC Prepared by: Syeda Amina Hassan Deputy Director-QEC

2 QEC’s Mission Statement
“The mission of the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC) within the GC University Lahore is to monitor and enhance academic processes, procedures and practices within academic departments, keeping in view the proposals put forward by the HEC-Pakistan and in accordance with international quality assurance developments.” Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

3 Establishment of the QEC Office
The QEC office at GCUL was set up and established (End of March 2007) Induction/Recruitment of QEC Staff as per instructions defined by HEC-Pakistan Purchase of necessary office equipment and furniture Office Operations streamlined Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

4 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Policy Documents Policy Memorandum_001 (Decembere2006) Policy Paper_001 (February 2007) which also includes the GCU’s Mission Statement, the nine (9) Quality Criteria and eight (8) GCU Graduate Attributes Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

5 Formation of QEC Committees
Program Quality Assurance Progress Report (PQAR) Focus Group (April 2007) Consultative Working Group (CWG) for Curriculum Planning Curriculum Administration and Management System (CAMS) for the development of QA instruments Consultative Working Group (CWG) for the development of Research Handbook Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

6 Formation of QEC Committees
Consultative Working Group (CWG) for QA Webpage Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC) Steering Committee Academic Departments’ Quality Assurance (QA) Committees and nominations of QA Program Team Leaders and QA Program Team Members Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

7 QEC Meetings PQAR Focus Group Meetings (7)
The Program Quality Assurance Report (PQAR) Focus Group meetings were held on: April 30, 2007 May 7, 2007 May 14, 2007 May 21, 2007 May 28, 2007 June 4, 2007 June 11, 2007 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

8 QEC Meetings PQAR Focus Group Meetings (7)
The QA issues discussed during the meetings were regarding QC1- Mission Statements QC2- (Curriculum Planning) QC6-(Faculty) GGAs-(GCU Graduate Attributes and Outcomes), Development of course outlines Course-skill mappings Guideline for the preparation of PQA Report which the departments of the Focus Group are required to submit to the QEC in August 2007 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

9 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Meetings QEC meetings (4) with the Department of Computer Science regarding Curriculum Planning held in May 2007 and June 2007 HRDC Progress Meetings QEC meetings on QA issues held in October, November and December 2006 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

10 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Training Sessions QEC Training Sessions for Staff orientation on various issues of QA-Two sessions were held in April and May 2007 QEC batch wise training sessions (2) on curriculum planning held in May 2007 HRDC workshops regarding Faculty Development Programme held in March and June 2007 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

11 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Training Sessions QEC Workshop on Inter-Personal Communication Skills and Strategic Planning held in October-November 2006 QEC lecture on Educational Excellence through Academic Quality Assurance as part of capacity building Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

12 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Academic Audits QEC Academic Audits of Teaching Departments for checking/inspection of QA key documents. Audit 1: March & April 2007 Audit 2: May 2007 onward - in progress Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

13 Course Outlines Development
Development of Sample Course Outlines of the courses of B.A/B.Sc (Hons.)4-year degree programme (April 2007) Development of Course outlines of the courses of B.A/B.Sc (Hons.) 4-year degree programmes of the University according to the approved format (April 2007 onward- In Progress) Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

14 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Research Handbook Preparation of the Research Handbook (May 2007) for the use of students, faculty and supervisors is under progress Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

15 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Surveys Distribution of Survey Forms/ Questionnaires to the academic Departments for conducting surveys and compiling survey results for PQA report (June 2007) Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

16 QEC SWOT Analysis & Post SWOT Analysis
Academic Departments’ SWOT and Post SWOT Analysis was conducted Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

17 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Press Releases QEC press releases regarding QEC news, training workshops and training sessions (March 2007 onward) Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

18 QEC Website Development
QEC Website developed and QA Policy documents uploaded Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

19 QEC Documentation and Dissemination of Information
QEC Letters (098 – General & on QA matters) issued to the academic and administrative departments for information, guidance, action and compliance Minutes of PQAR Focus Group meetings (7) held in April, May & June 2007 QEC meetings (3) with the Department of Computer Science regarding curriculum planning held in May 2007 & June 2007 QEC meetings (4) on QA issues held in October, November & December 2006 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

20 Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007
QEC Filing System Organization, arrangement and filing of QEC documents Opened QEC files (24) Implementation is in progress Doc:GCU-QEC/An Overview/QAA Meeting-HEC/June 26, 2007

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