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Working Party on Inland Water Transport (SC.3)

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1 Working Party on Inland Water Transport (SC.3)
ITS for sustainable mobility UNECE’s role to promote Intelligent Transport Systems Ms. Dörte Schramm Working Party on Inland Water Transport (SC.3) Geneva, 13 October 2011 Agenda item 7 (c)

2 1. UNECE and ITS Why? ITS = tool to achieve sustainable mobility
Transport is global Good Morning/Afternoon. My name is Dörte Schramm. I am secretariat staff member of the World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations, short WP.29. Together with my colleague Edoardo Gianotti I am responsible for all ITS matters within the Transport Division. Today I would like to inform you about our latest activities in the field of ITS. To begin with, we can ask ourselves why to put ITS on the international transport agenda? The answer is simple: we at UNECE believe that ITS are one tool for future sustainable transport systems. We all know that transport is global therefore we believe that global actions have to be undertaken to unleash the potential of ITS. December 20, 2019

3 2.UNECE Research and Strategy
Research findings ITS is under-utilized Resistance to societal changes Lack of common definition Lack of Infrastructure Lack of Harmonization The way forward - UNECE Strategy Package for ITS Background paper Strategic note Road Map But, our research has shown us, that ITS with all its value is still under-utilized. Why is it still under-utilised? We also realized that most of us have a different understanding of what ITS actually is. In order to devise the way forward dealing with ITS we developed a strategic package in the different areas of our competencies on ITS technologies. Dörte Schramm December 20, 2019

4 3. UNECE strategy on ITS Background document Strategic note Road Map
In 2010, the ITC and UNECE secretariat launched a strategic review on the role of ITS for realizing sustainable mobility and on how UNECE can deploy the use of ITS solutions. With the support of the Italian and German government the ITS strategy package was put for web-based public consultation. It contained of a background document for information, a strategic note, that is identifying the main gaps and barriers to the use of ITS, and the UNECE Road Map on ITS. The public consultation was closed in July Comments were received from governments, road operators, scientists and ITS stakeholders. After assessing and evaluating the obtained input the draft background document and strategic note were updated accordingly and the UNECE Road Map was prepared. Dörte Schramm December 20, 2019

5 4. The UNECE Road Map on ITS
Action 11 Harmonizing Variable Message Signs Action 12 Making Transport of Dangerous Goods less dangerous Action 13 Integrating with Rail Transport Action 14 Integrating with IWT Action 15 Enhancing the modal integrator's role of ITS Action 16 Developing Cost-benefit assessment methodologies Action 17 Contributing to climate change mitigation Action 18 Launching analytical work Action 19 Contributing to capacity building, education and awareness raising Action 20 Organising the United Nations Annual Round Table on ITS Action 1 Reaching common definition for ITS Action 2 Harmonising policies Action 3 Forging International cooperation Action 4 Facilitating interoperability and the ITS architecture Action 5 Ensuring data security Action 6 Scaling up the work on ITS in all Working Parties of the UNECE ITC Action 7 Promoting vehicle to infrastructure communication Action 8 Promoting vehicle to vehicle communication Action 9 Fighting the road safety crisis Action 10 Addressing the liability concerns The Road Map is identifying 20 actions to deploy ITS globally. It lays down 20 concrete actions to be performed by the UNECE Working Parties from 2012 to This document is distributed to your and all other relevant Working Parties for information before final adoption at the next ITC session in February 2012. December 20, 2019

6 5. UNECE Working Parties work already on ITS
Liability Driver distraction Telematics River Information Systems In-vehicle ITS - As you know, within their mandates, UNECE Working Parties are already working on ITS matters: for example your Working Party is engaged to the questions on River Information Systems. The Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods (WP.15) is examining how Telematics can be used to enhance safety and security and the Working Party on Road Transport (SC.1) deals with the Digital tachograph and e-CMR. The World Forum for Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations (WP.29) deals with ITS matters on-board of vehicles, like Lane Departure Warnings Systems, Advanced Emergency Braking Systems and on-board diagnostics. And so on. Dörte Schramm December 20, 2019

7 6. Promote ITS outside UN International Transport Forum (ITF)
International Telecommunication Union (ITU) International Road Federation (IRF) ERTICO – ITS Europe ITC policy segment 2012 Since 2008 the Transport Division intensified promoting its work on ITS outside the UN. In 2010 UNECE hosted an ITS side event at the International Transport Forum in Leipzig where the main challenges facing Governments and international organizations in fostering the deployment of ITS were addressed. In March 2011, the UNECE Transport Division Director hold the keynote speech on ITS at a conference organized by ITU, where it was concluded that there is the need for a “lead agency” within the UN family who is pooling the work on ITS or at least enhance cooperation in order to overcome the lack of harmonization and different understanding of ITS. This was the trigger to start a closer cooperation with ITU. Bilateral talks led to the decision to draft a Memorandum of Understanding for the cooperation on ITS. The already well established partnership with IRF was intensified and the good cooperation with ITS Europe led to become the moderator of the Executive Session on “ITS for adaptive and resilient cities” during the 8th ITS European Congress in Lyon in June 2011. On February 2012 the UNECE ITC policy segment is dedicated to ITS. Please, already mark the date in your agenda! Thank you. December 20, 2019


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