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Strategy for minimizing machining distortions

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1 Strategy for minimizing machining distortions


3 ORGANISATION PROFILE - RISE, Research institutes of Sweden, is Sweden’s research institute and innovation partner. Our 2,700 employees engage in and support all types of innovation processes. - RISE offers unique expertise and over 100 testbeds and demonstration environments. - RISE performs applied research together with companies and other research organisations such as universities and institutes

Vision: Develop and Implement an overall smart strategy for minimizing residual stresses and process induced distortions in industrial applications like AM. Motivation: Several high valued machined parts with complex geometric profiles, material removal processes undergo multistage manufacturing experience distortions caused by what happened earlier in the value chain. This costs hugely the machining of parts in aeronautical, auto and locomotive industry. The project results will improve product quality and increase the competitiveness of European companies on a global market. Content: Based on prior works and results, the project will develop and implement an overall strategy that include: Accurate prediction of machining distortions due to initial stresses Rapid/online part inspection using high precision distortion measurement Compensation using smart adaptive work-holding systems and rapid toolpath optimization. AI assisted distortion source identification from inspection data.

5 Post AM machining for elimination of distortions
AM part Compensate Toolpath or/and fixture Estimation and 3D profiling of the residual stresses need compensation? Estimation of distortion due to RS during machining Machining Optical distortion measurement Yes No

Expected Outcome: Improved possibilities to - Tighten tolerances - Reduce number of scrap components and material waste - Minimize reprocessing - Improve the design of workpiece holding systems - Reduce manufacturing costs - Realise Automatic postproduction Impacts: By taking into account the residual stress release during and after machining a significant improvement in dimensional accuracy will be achieved. This will save millions of Euros in scrap costs and correction procedures for the manufacturing industry. Schedule: Start: 2020 – End: – 08 – 31 Duration: 24 Months

7 PARTNERS Current Consortium:
Swe research organisations: RISE IVF, KTH Ind production, UK research organisations: AFRC Swe Companies: GF Machining Solutions System 3R, UK companies: To be decided Swiss companies: prel. GF Machining Solutions EDM/WEDM Partner search: Supply chain with companies including CNC manufacturer - Swedish companies: … - UK companies .. - Swiss Companies ..

8 CONTACT INFO Contact info: Mats Werke RISE IVF – PhD Component manufacturing Tel: Postal address: Box 104 SE Moelndal, Sweden


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