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Designing higher education spaces to be inclusive—STEMM

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1 Designing higher education spaces to be inclusive—STEMM
The Educator Network showcase 2019 The Inclusive Class(room): The next generation of learning Professor Steve Weller Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment University of Newcastle

2 STEMM building Inclusive learning spaces for introverts? Small group discussion Reporting back

3 STEMM precinct STEMM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Medicine 3× Faculties: FSCI, FEBE, FHEAM “Our vision is to embed new ways of learning, teaching and research that span the STEMM disciplines, supported by cutting-edge infrastructure to enable the collision of ideas” Across Callaghan campus, several projects are underway to upgrade STEMM facilities – buildings such as EF, ES, V, C, NIER, glasshouses, Bioresources

4 STEMM building “A new, flagship facility designed to enable interdisciplinary collaboration, innovation and industry engagement” $115M building adjacent to Great Hall 16,400 m2 gross floor area, of which… 3,500 m2 teaching 3,300 m2 research Public launch of concept design on July 2019

5 STEMM teaching spaces STEMM teaching labs STEMM “design labs”
Mix of “wet” and “dry” labs STEMM “design labs” No traditional lecture theatres in STEMM building! Design labs = TEAL spaces TEAL = Technology Enabled Active Learning 6× design labs, each for 120 students Also informal learning spaces + collaboration rooms

6 Learning styles of introverts and extroverts
Q: How do you recognize an extroverted engineer? A: He’ll be looking at your shoes instead of his own Extroverted learners possess a social learning style typically energetic, social individuals like to work (learn) in high-stimulation environments quite comfortable working in—and being part of—large crowds Introverted learners generally have a shy nature solitary learning style often prefer to solve problems on their own find spending time in large groups to be exhausting

7 Group activity^ “Technology Enabled Active Learning (TEAL) spaces favour the needs of extroverted learners over introverted learners, and hence are not inclusive learning spaces” Small group discussion for XX minutes Report back for YY minutes ^ yes, I know… asking introverts to engage in a group activity…

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