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Outline Properties on the Matrix Inverse Matrix Inverse Lemma

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1 Outline Properties on the Matrix Inverse Matrix Inverse Lemma
Left and Right Inverse Moore-Penrose Inverse

2 Properties on the Matrix Inverse
If the inverse of n*n matrix A exists, then The dimension of Ax is n; span(A) = n The dimension of x, for Ax = 0, is 0. Zero space of A is null space If A and B are invertible, then (AB)-1 = B-1A-1 Adjoint matrix: A-1 = adj(A) / det(A)

3 Matrix Inverse Lemma n*n matrix A invertible, A plus a rank-one matrix (A + xyH) invertible, then The following matrix inverse formula Exercise !!!

4 Blockwise Matrix Inverse
If matrix A invertible If matrices A and D are invertible Applied when the inverse of A or D is only a scale

5 Left and Right Matrix Inverse
Inverse Matrix of A A must be a square matrix, must be full rank Other possibilities of A A is not full rank?? A is not square?? “Inverse of A” in the above scenarios?

6 Left and Right Matrix Inverse
Matrix not square Left inverse: GA= I Right inverse: AG = I Three possibilities G exists and unique: G exists but not unique: G does not exist: G not of full rank Left pseudo inverse: L = (AHA)-1AH Right pseudo inverse: R = AH (AAH)-1

7 Left and Right Matrix Inverse
Left pseudo inverse: L = (ATA)-1AT Least square solution for Ax = b Right pseudo inverse: R = AT (AAT)-1 Minimum norm solution for for Ax = b

8 Moore-Penrose Inverse
Matrix A may not be full rank MP Inverse A┼: AA┼A = A, A┼AA┼ = A┼, AA┼ = (AA┼)H, A┼A = (A┼A)H Motivations for the MP Inverse The minimum norm solution Ax = b Also the least square solution Ax = b

9 Properties on the Moore-Penrose Inverse
MP inverse is unique Proof outline: consider another MP inverse B Consider matrix: AA┼-AB (AA┼-AB) (AA┼-AB) = 0, (AA┼-AB) is Hermitian Then AA┼-AB = 0, and A┼A-BA = 0 in the same way Thus A┼ = A┼AA┼ = BAB = B Point:if for Hermitian matrix A, AA = 0, then AAH = 0, and A = 0.

10 Properties on the Moore-Penrose Inverse
MP inverse of the conjugate transpose (AT)┼ = (A┼)T, (AH)┼ = (A┼)H Invertible matrix A: A┼ =A-1 MP inverse of MP inverse: (A┼) ┼ = A MP inverse of Full-rank matrix Full column rank: A┼ = (AHA)-1AH Full row rank: A┼ = AH (AAH)-1 Non-singular square matrix: A┼ = A-1

11 Properties on the Moore-Penrose Inverse
MP inverse of vectors Zero vector: x┼ = 0 for x = 0; Nonzero vector: x┼ = xH/(xHx) for x ≠ 0 Orthonormal matrix Inverse matrix: A┼ = A-1 = AH MP inverse of the diagonal matrix D = diag(d1, d2, …, dN), D┼ = diag(d1┼, d2┼, …, dN┼), di┼ = di-1 for di ≠ 0, and di┼ = 0 for di = 0.

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