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Injuries to the Face.

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1 Injuries to the Face

2 Otitis Externa What is it? Signs/Symptoms: Immediate Treatment:
Also known as swimmers ear Definition: bacterial infection in the ear canal How? Moisture accumulates in the canal Blocked by the ear wax Signs/Symptoms: Pain, dizziness, discharge, hearing loss, itching, Ear swells Immediate Treatment: Dry the ear Use drops (3% boric acid and alcohol solution)

3 Professional Treatment: Prevention:
Doctor will prescribe antibiotics Prevention: Dry ears thoroughly Don’t use q-tips b/c it shoves stuff deeper in ear Use 3% Boric Acid and Alcohol solution drops before and after swimming Use ear plugs

4 Cauliflower Ear signs/symptoms Professional treatment Prevention
What is it? The external portion of the ear suffers a blow, blood clot, or collection of fluid between cartilage and skin. Results in deformity signs/symptoms swelling Red or bruised ear Prevention Preventing this injury by wearing appropriate head gear Professional treatment Doctor can make a small incision and drain accumulated blood or remove a clot

5 Ruptured Tympanic Membrane
What is it? an opening or hole in the eardrum Barry

6 Information Signs/symptoms: Drainage from ear, noise or buzzing in ear, earache or discomfort, hearing loss, weakness of the face and/or dizziness. Immediate treatment: Warmth to ear may relieve minor discomfort, and keep the ear dry and clean Professional treatment: A doctor or nurse may put a patch over the eardrum to speed healing. Surgical repair of the eardrum may be needed if the eardrum does not heal on its own. Long-term effects: The individual may experience permanent damage to hearing, but is unlikely. Prevention: Avoid loud sounds and do put objects in an ear.

7 Dislocation/Fractured Tooth
Definition: -minor fracture –chipped enamel or dentin - severe fracture- vertical, horizontal, diagonal fracture Signs/Symptoms: -broken tooth, missing tooth, severe pain & severe bleeding of tooth Treatment: -if fractured then when possible see dentist; will put a “cap” over it. -if permanent tooth is knocked out rinse it off and put back in socket immediately within 15min. or if put in milk (seek medical help immediately) Prevention -mouth guards, cover face, duck

8 TMJ Dislocation What is it?
The TMJ become dislocated when the condyle moves too far. Get stuck in front of a section of bone How? Most often occur follow extreme opening of the mouth during eating. -yawning, Laughing, singing, vomiting, Dental treatment Signs/Symptoms: The jaw lock in an open position and you cannot close your mouth. Treatment: Put it back if you know how, if not go to Dr Prevention: Limit the range of motion of the jaw

9 Jaw Fracture A jaw fracture is a break in the mandible Signs/Symptoms
Bleeding from mouth Difficulty opening the mouth widely Facial bruising or swelling Jaw tenderness or pain Immediate Treatment Prevent choking Immobilize jaw Control swelling Professional Treatment Usually surgery May have mouth wires

10 Nasal Septum Deviation

11 General Information What is it?
an abnormal condition in which the top of the cartilaginous ridge leans to the left or the right  How? * impact trauma, such as by a blow to the face. Signs & Symptoms: * Breathing issues, deformity, nose bleeds Immediate treatment: nasal Sprays, decongestants (but these are only temporary fixes

12 Epistaxis AKA: bloody nose What is it? When your nose bleeds (dah)
How? External trauma (you got hit) or Internal trauma (nose picking, irritation from cold) Treatment: noseplugs, lean forward not back, pinch nose for 10 mins

13 Fractured Nose Definition: Nasal bone is broke Signs and Symptoms: Pain, bruising, crepitus – Immediate Treatment – Ice and Advil, seek medical attention Long term Effects – crooked nose

14 Abrasion/Punctured eyelid
What is it? A stab/scratch wound to the eyelid. Signs/symptoms: -pain, bleeding, numbness, weakness, redness, increased warmth of skin, decreased vision. What do you do? -Go to Urgent Care -You may put a patch over the eye if needed

15 Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye)
What is it? The swelling or infection of the membrane lining the eye lids Signs/Symptoms: - blurred vision, eye pain, itching, redness, increased tearing, crusts, sensitivity - very contagious Causes: allergies, bacteria, viruses, chemicals, or underlying health conditions Immediate Treatment: Eye drops w/ antibiotics

16 Hyphema What is it? Hyphema is blood in the front of the eye
How? direct trauma to the eye. More severe bleeding may occur in 3-5 days after trauma. Signs/Symptoms: Blood in the eye Eye pain Light sensitivity Vision abnormalities Prevention Wear protective gear What do you do? Send them to eye doctor

17 Retinal Detachment What is it?:
the retina becomes separated from the choroid in the back of the eye. Signs/Symptoms: Bright Flashes Blurred Vision Floaters in the eye Shadows or blindness in vision Prevention: Protective eyewear during work or sports Immediate Treatment: This injury requires IMMEDIATE medical care, so all you can do is give the person sunglasses, to protect them from light sensitivity, and get them to a hospital. Whether you call 911 or drive them yourself.

18 Sty What is it? an infection of the oil glands of the eyelid
Signs/Symptoms A lump on the top or bottom eyelid localized swelling of the eyelid Pain, redness, itchy, tender mucous discharge in the eye Immediate Treatment * apply warm compressions 4-6 times a day for about 15 mins each * gently scrub eyelid with water and soap * discontinue eye makeup and contacts

19 Foreign object in eye What is it? foreign object in eye Signs/Symptoms: Discomfort in eye, blurry vision & teary eyes. Pain and redness Immediate Treatment: Flush out with water or saline See Dr to make sure no scratches on the eyeball

20 Ruptured Globe What is it? Eyeball itself is damaged
How? Trauma, foreign objects Signs/Symptoms: Pain, vision impairment, deformity Immediate Treatment: Cover up both eyes with patch or use a cup – get to ER right away

21 Orbital Fracture/ Blowout
What is it? A break in one of the bones that make up the orbit. How? Trauma Signs/Symptoms: Pain, bruising, crepitus, swelling Immediate Treatment: ice, Advil, go to Dr

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