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Strategies for Managing Effective Pre K Small-Group

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1 Strategies for Managing Effective Pre K Small-Group
First 21 Days Strategies for Managing Effective Pre K Small-Group Instruction Time Presenter: Dr. Lee Wright By: Lee Wright, EdD

2 Your Additional Handout A Pen or Pencil
Must Haves for This Training: PPT Handout Your Additional Handout A Pen or Pencil

3 Today’s Goals To explore… …the benefits of teacher led
First 21 Days Today’s Goals To explore… …the benefits of teacher led small-group instruction. 2) …how can you effectively phase in effective small-group instruction time in a Pre-K classroom. Say

4 Small‐group instruction
TEXAS PREKINDERGARTEN GUIDELINES Classroom Activity Planning: Creating Opportunities for Interaction as Well as Self‐Discovery Small‐group instruction can be one of the most effective ways to promote young children’s learning!

5 There Are Many Forms of Pre K Small-group Classroom Instruction
Free-choice play time – When students explore materials as they see fit. The teacher’s role is primarily to circulate the room and monitor students’ exploration. Instructionally focused free-choice activity time – When students complete instructionally focused activities (For example, tracing letters, drawing their favorite part of a book). The teacher’s role is primarily to circulate the room while monitoring and supporting students’ progress. AND

6 Teacher-led Small-Group Instruction Teacher-Led Small-Group
Instruction - This is the classroom practice of the teacher meeting with a small group students to instruct a mini-lesson on new concept while all other students engage in instructionally focused free-choice activity time.

7 Physical Arrangement of Spaces: Promoting
Positive Early Childhood Outcomes   Successful teachers know that the management of the  early childhood classroom has a direct effect on the kinds of behaviors children exhibit. The difference  between chaos and an orderly classroom depends in great part on how the teacher prepares the learning environment. That preparation involves  what happens when transitions occur, when children  interact freely with materials, and when conflicts arise. 

8 routines that provide an overall structure
Classroom management aims to achieve a successful classroom environment. Children need an organized environment & orderly  routines that provide an overall structure  for optimal learning to occur. In addition, careful planning of a variety of materials and  activities for children must take place for effective classroom management to occur. 

9 First 21 Days WHAT DOES RESEARCH SAY ARE SOME OF THE BENEFITS OF SMALL-GROUP INSTRUCTION? “Small-group instruction typically results in more efficient use of instructional time, lower costs, and improved mastery of skills” (Elbaum et al.,1999). Elbaum, B., Watson Moody, S., Vaughn, S., Shay Schumm, J., Hughes, M. (1999, May). The effect of instructional grouping format on the reading outcomes of students with disabilities: A meta- analytic review. Paper prepared for 1999 summit Keys to Successful Learning. Retrieved February 22, 2008, from

10 Small-group instruction time is ideally
First 21 Days Small-group instruction time is ideally suited for helping students develop: Organizational, self-management and cooperation skills. All of which are fundamental for high-quality instruction to take place.

11 Benefits Increased student engagement Individualized skill instruction
First 21 Days Benefits Increased student engagement Individualized skill instruction Scaffolding of instruction Immediate corrective feedback Customized pacing of instruction Increased quality and quantity of questioning strategies

12 Benefits Is well suited for: Pre-teaching skills Re-teaching skills
First 21 Days Is well suited for: Pre-teaching skills Re-teaching skills Conferencing with students Assessing to determine student's areas of need Providing extension lessons and activities Benefits

13 Understanding the MOST Critical Components of Teacher led Small- group Instruction

14 Pre-K teacher led small-group instruction is MOST EFFECTIVE when the teacher engages children with targeted instructionally focused activities that promote specific standards (such as from the Texas Pre K TEKS) for short periods of time (5‐ to-15 minute intervals).

15 Examples of Pre-K standard-based skills suited to be taught within teacher led small-group instruction: Alphabetic Knowledge Phonological Awareness Mathematics Science concepts etc.

16 Teacher–led Small group instruction is MOST effective when it..
First 21 Days Teacher–led Small group instruction is MOST effective when it.. Includes 2-to-6 students Includes homogeneously arranged student groups (a must for Intervention Instruction) Includes Differentiated Instruction within and across each small group Includes Flexible Grouping Patterns over the course of the year

17 Teacher led Small-group instruction is
First 21 Days Teacher led Small-group instruction is most effective when the instruction… Is planned Is data informed Includes the outcomes of the lesson Is Measurable (informal assessment during and at the end of the small group instruction)

18 How To Effectively Phase In Pre-K Small-Group Instruction
First 21 Days How To Effectively Phase In Pre-K Small-Group Instruction

19 How can we effectively phase in small-group Pre-K instruction?
First 21 Days How can we effectively phase in small-group Pre-K instruction? Phase I: Part A: Whole Class - One Activity— 1-to-2 Weeks Part B: Whole Class – Two or More Activities – 1-to-4 Weeks Phase II: Whole Class and Centers—Multiple Activities - 1-to-2 Phase III: Centers and Small-Group - Multiple Activities - 1–to- 2 Weeks Phase IV: Small-Group and Centers - Multiple Activities - Rest of the Year

20 Phase I - Big Ideas The concept of becoming an Independent Learner
First 21 Days Phase I - Big Ideas The concept of becoming an Independent Learner is introduced Children are given daily practice at acting like Independent Learners Children complete an activity in Whole-group The teacher Monitors by deliberately providing minimal student support as they practice being Independent Learners Debriefing is introduced

21 First 21 Days Phase I- Overview At the start of each day’s whole-group short activity time General Small-group time RULES & ROUTINES are introduced/reviewed by the teacher. How-to complete an activity independently is EXPLAINED & DEMONSTRATED within a mini-lesson As students practice being independent learners, the teacher MONITORS the room, while gradually reducing the amount of support s/he provides At the end of each day’s mini-Leeson the teacher DEBRIEFS in whole group

22 How can I effectively phase in small-group instruction?
First 21 Days How can I effectively phase in small-group instruction? What is debriefing? Debriefing is an opportunity for students and the teacher to reflect on the successes and problems during Small-group/Center Time.

23 How can I effectively phase in small-group instruction?
First 21 Days How can I effectively phase in small-group instruction? Debriefing (cont.) After a Small-group time mini-lesson, gather students in Whole-group and ask them? “What went well today?” “What kinds of the problems did you have?” What did you do to make sure you took care of yourself? “How might we change things to make Small- group time better for everyone?

24 How can I effectively phase in small-group instruction?
First 21 Days How can I effectively phase in small-group instruction? Debriefing It is an opportunity for your to assess how well your students are internalizing your classroom small- group time expectations. It should occur daily at first, then as needed. Can also be an opportunity for students to share what they learned from their small-group work and/or independent activity completion. Read slide.

25 Phase II Phase II - Big Ideas
First 21 Days Phase II Phase II - Big Ideas All Phase I concepts are reviewed and maintained The concept of a CENTER is introduced The concept of completing multiple activities in a variety of settings is introduced

26 How can I effectively phase in small group instruction?
First 21 Days How can I effectively phase in small group instruction? Phase III Phase III - Big Ideas All Phase I and II concepts are reviewed and maintained The concept of a Teacher led Small-group is introduced Say: Turn to Phase II of your planner. Take a moment to scan through Phase II. Phase II typically begins on Day 9 and lasts for 10 days.

27 Planner for Pre-K Small-group/Center Time Management!
No Interruptions Signs

28 How can I effectively phase in small group instruction?
First 21 Days How can I effectively phase in small group instruction? Phase IV Phase IV - Big Ideas All Phase I - III concepts are reviewed and maintained The concept of a sustained periods of daily small-group/Center instruction time is maintained throughout the year

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