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Participants were assigned one of the following measuring devices (from left to right): a two-cup commercial food scoop (Petmate, Arlington, Texas, USA),

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Presentation on theme: "Participants were assigned one of the following measuring devices (from left to right): a two-cup commercial food scoop (Petmate, Arlington, Texas, USA),"— Presentation transcript:

1 Participants were assigned one of the following measuring devices (from left to right): a two-cup commercial food scoop (Petmate, Arlington, Texas, USA), a two-cup graduated-liquid measuring cup (Betty Crocker; General Mills, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) or a one-cup dry-food measuring cup (Polytainers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), and were asked to measure 1⁄4, 1⁄2 and 1 cup of a dry dog food. Participants were assigned one of the following measuring devices (from left to right): a two-cup commercial food scoop (Petmate, Arlington, Texas, USA), a two-cup graduated-liquid measuring cup (Betty Crocker; General Mills, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) or a one-cup dry-food measuring cup (Polytainers, Toronto, Ontario, Canada), and were asked to measure 1⁄4, 1⁄2 and 1 cup of a dry dog food. Jason B Coe et al. Veterinary Record doi: /vr Copyright © British Veterinary Association. All rights reserved.

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