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A brief intro. of gestational diabetes

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Presentation on theme: "A brief intro. of gestational diabetes"— Presentation transcript:

1 A brief intro. of gestational diabetes
Diabetes & Pregnancy A brief intro. of gestational diabetes

2 Definition G estational D iabetes M ellitus
Women WITHOUT previously diagnosed diabetes exhibit high blood glucose levels during pregnancy.

3 Pathophysiology Increased glucose need from the baby
Interference between pregnancy related factors and insulin receptors Elevated blood sugar level Gestational diabetes

4 Complication - Moms Decreased fertility rate Pre-eclampsia(先兆子痫)
Increased risk of diabetes II Reoccurrence during 2nd pregnancy Other complications during delivery Smaller birth weight babies in managed GDM

5 Complication - Babies Polyhydramnios(羊水过多) Neurological deficits
Growth acceleration Growth restriction Fetal obesity Birth defects Miscarriage

6 Risk Factors Smoking Family history Medical history Overweight
Ethnic group Age(>35)

7 Treatment

8 References Keywords Presenter: Wade Wang ID: 10301010006
^"Diabetes Blue Circle Symbol". International Diabetes Federation. 17 March 2006. ^ a b Thomas R Moore, MD et al. Diabetes Mellitus and Pregnancy. med/2349 at eMedicine. Version: Jan 27, 2005 update. ^ a b c d Donovan, PJ (2010). "Drugs for gestational diabetes". Australian Prescriber (33): 141–4. ^ Metzger, B. E.; Coustan, D. R. (1998). "Summary and recommendations of the Fourth International Workshop-Conference on Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. The Organizing Committee". Diabetes care 21 Suppl 2: B161–B167. PMID   And the rest of the issue B1–B167. ^ a b c d e American Diabetes, A. (2004). "Gestational diabetes mellitus". Diabetes care 27 Suppl 1: S88–S90. PMID  ^ White, P. (1949). "Pregnancy complicating diabetes". The American Journal of Medicine 7 (5): 609–616. doi: / (49)  PMID  ^ Gabbe S.G., Niebyl J.R., Simpson J.L. OBSTETRICS: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. Fourth edition. Churchill Livingstone, New York, 2002. ISBN Keywords Gestational diabetes mellitus Pregnancy Presenter: Wade Wang ID:

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