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Violence: Understanding its impact on the common good

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1 Violence: Understanding its impact on the common good
CONFLICT TRANSFORMATION SESSION 1 Violence: Understanding its impact on the common good

2 What do you think violence is? Write this on your post-it note.
WHAT IS VIOLENCE? What do you think violence is? Write this on your post-it note.

Acts of violence which are physically carried out. e.g. racist or sectarian attacks, petrol bombs, paramilitary beatings / shootings, killing.

4 GROUP ACTIVITY AIM: Build a paper tower. The tallest, free-standing tower wins. Note: You only have 5 minutes to complete this activity.

5 GROUP DISCUSSION Why do you think some groups did better than others?
How did their extra benefits / privileges affect the others? How does this reflect real life?

6 2. STRUCTURAL VIOLENCE Structural violence (social injustice) refers to social structures and institutions that indirectly cause harm to people and ability to meet their basic needs. e.g. policies that support classism, poverty, racism, sectarianism, inequalities, exploitation, marginalization, Apartheid. What kind of inequalities are there in Northern Ireland?

Posing as the KKK is just a bit of fun. Making jokes about names that sound strange to you is harmless. There’s nothing wrong with sharing or retweeting posts that are racist or sectarian. People who get a punishment from the paramilitaries probably deserve it. Using God’s name to support violent actions is ok. Separating people based on their language / race / religion is good. Everybody should live in the country they grew up in. Wrong beliefs should not be tolerated. Its ok to kill someone as long as you’re fighting a war in the army. It is noble and brave to fight and die for your flag and country. YES or NO?

8 3. CULTURAL VIOLENCE Is what makes violence and injustice feel right - or at least not wrong

9 GROUP DISCUSSION What is the impact of violence on: People,
Communities, and Countries? List these on a flipchart.

10 MAPPING VIOLENCE Draw a map of your neighbourhood /
community that shows where different forms of violence exist. Think about: Where have violent acts happened (e.g. bombs, paramilitary beatings/shootings)? Where are the inequalities? (e.g. class, poverty) Where are the places you can’t go? Where are the peace walls / where do the different communities live? Where are the sectarian / racist murals? What kind of people are excluded / marginalized?

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