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Executive Sponsor: Rick Padilla, NMDOT State Maintenance Bureau Chief

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1 Executive Sponsor: Rick Padilla, NMDOT State Maintenance Bureau Chief
NM Department of Transportation (NMDOT) Outdoor Advertising Control System (OACS) Executive Sponsor: Rick Padilla, NMDOT State Maintenance Bureau Chief Business Owner: Michael A. Otero, NMDOT Outdoor Advertising Program Project Certification for Closeout January 25, 2016

2 Project Overview Objective/Business Goal Outcome:
Replace a spreadsheet-based outdoor advertising database with an efficient, comprehensive outdoor advertising permit & sign inventory database control system for NMDOT. Ensure compliance with the FHWA recommendations & requirements for the Outdoor Advertising Control Program Outcome: The system has fully met these goals

3 Project Overview Desired Outcomes Desired Outcome Results
Ensure a consistent process for managing OA permits & sign structures System fully supports inventory management, workflow management, permit inspections, violations, GIS mapping, standard & ad-hoc reporting and generation of Memo of Charge documents related to annual permit renewal billing System further provides the same support for Junkyard Licensing Flexible architecture, allowing for ongoing improvements & enhancements System is modular and many requirement changes are able to be addressed by the agency via the administrative configuration functions provided as standard Allow for integration of mobile technology System provides a mobile application that can be run in the field on smartphones or tablets, streamlining inspection process for permits & violations Ensure compliance with FHWA recommendations and requirements imposed on NMDOT through the NMDOT ODA Program. System fully meets all FHWA recommendations and requirements imposed on NMDOT through the NMDOT ODA Program, including MAP-21 requirements.

4 Funding Appropriation History Certification History Fiscal Year Amount
Funding Sources FFY 2015 $584,582.70 NMDOT Contract Maintenance Funds FFY 2017 $7,874.31 TOTAL $592,457.01 Date Amount Phase 11/2014 $200,000.00 Initiation & Planning 2/2016 $384,582.70 Implementation 9/2016 $7,874.31 Change Request TOTAL $592,457.01

5 Total Cost of Ownership
Description FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 & After Consulting Services & Software License Agreement Delasoft, Inc. Outdoor Advertising Control System (OACS) Software (Including project management deliverables, configuration, implementation, testing, training, deployment and closeout) $208,623.09 $7,874.31 Consulting Services & Inventory Data Collection Project Delasoft, Inc. - Outdoor Advertising Sign Inventory and Data Collection Service $341,645.35 IV&V Independent Verification & Validation Services $34,314.26 Maintenance $38,000.00 Post-Close Total $584,582.70 $-0-  $45,   $38,  

6 Total Budget (Projected/Actual, by Deliverable)
Projected Cost Actual Cost Project Phase IV&V $ 34,314.26 $ 34,306.68 Initiation – Close Software: Project Planning $ 3,955.22 Planning Software: Software Acquisition $ 161,162.84 Software: System & Design Documentation $ 3,461.08 Implementation Software: Configuration & Customization $ 16,440.28 Software: Multi-permit change request $ 12,800.24 Software: System Test Prep & Testing $ 9,265.36 Software: Test & Training Prep $ 2,280.39 Software: UAT $ Software: QA/Staging Instance $ Software: Production Deployment Plan $ 1,399.36 Software: Training $ 2,111.91 $ Post-GoLive Software: Inventory Data in QA Instance $1,000.15 Software: Deployment of Production Instance $ 1,131.07 Inventory Collection: Kickoff $ Initiation Inventory Collection: Pilot $ 3,719.41 Inventory Collection: Full Collection $ 333,607.44 Inventory Collection: Acceptance in QA Instance $ 3,680.82 Inventory Collection: Project Closure $ 0.00 Close FY17 Annual Maintenance $38,000 $19,000* *Post-Close (reduced to align to FY) FY18 Annual Maintenance $38,000* *Post-Close TOTAL $668,457.01 $666,949.20 Under Budget ($20,507.81)

7 Project Schedule Project Phase Date Deliverable Planning November 2015
Project Plan, Collection Plan, Timeline Schedules, Pilot Collection Data & Process Approval Requirements May 2016 SRS & TAD Build July 2016 August 2016 Inventory Collection Complete Progress demos & interim implementation reviews Test October 2016 System Test Plan & Report, UAT Plan, Staging Plan Inventory data QA complete & corrections implemented October - November 2016 Completion of System User Acceptance Testing (UAT) Approval of QA’d inventory data in Staging Instance Train September 2016 December 2016 Complete training manual & deliver training to end-users and admins Training & on-boarding of additional users Deploy System GoLive Close November – December 2016 Project Review meeting, project archival activities, follow-up activities.

8 Project Accomplishments
The System is live. All end-users have been trained. FHWA Outdoor Advertising requirements fully satisfied, and exceeded in some areas. System can be used to track & manage Junkyard Licensing in addition to Outdoor Advertising Permitting across ~12,200 lane miles statewide Report generation time and rework to address manual data entry errors have been cut significantly Inspection process can now be transitioned to a fully paperless process, with mobile application Reduction in data transfer errors, post-processing time Have exact GPS location data for all inventory Improved communication with owners, who often use GPS coordinates to identify signs/structures Streamlined inspection & research Streamlined re-collection of inventory, as all current sign locations are known Faster validation of potential violations Project came in well ahead of schedule & slightly under budget: Inventory collection finished ~10 weeks ahead of schedule System implementation finished ~4 weeks ahead of schedule

9 Lessons Learned Communication, flexibility, responsiveness & expertise was high across sub-teams, which greatly contributed to schedule performance Formalized processes & documentation were adhered to across the project, ensuring earlier identification of issues, streamlined development, training & testing, consistent collection results and smooth incorporation of the one change request identified NMDOT training of collection teams in safety and best practices ensured smoother collection effort. Recording of JAD sessions allowed teams to re-reference background of decisions for specific data items as project progressed Staged validation of inventory data and use of a pilot collection eliminated majority of collection errors early in cycle, and limited need for re-collection

10 Lessons Learned Earlier and more frequent progress demos would have eliminated bug density in a few areas (generated forms, for example). In areas where demos concentrated, there were significantly fewer issues found during test A higher than desired number of errors were identified in final regression in the auto-generated forms created by the application, resulting in an ~2 week slip versus projected GoLive date. Though the project still came in 4 weeks ahead of schedule, the project team believes a more focused team review earlier in cycle of the form samples would have caught the majority of these issues. Team should have allocated more time for finalization of SRS/TAD and UAT, due to number & complexity of requirements Team identified that sign structure configuration for double-sided configurations should be collected explicitly during future collections. It is able to be reconstructed from initial collection, but this will speed future data reconciliation efforts.

11 Next Steps Transition to maintenance & support framework
Reconcile existing legacy permit data with collected inventory Utilize system for annual permit renewal Memo of Charge generation & tracking

12 NMDOT Outdoor Advertising Control System

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