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Advancing STD Prevention as Public Health Priority

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing STD Prevention as Public Health Priority"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing STD Prevention as Public Health Priority
A View from the Outside: Taking Steps to Improve STD Prevention Julie M. Scofield Executive Director 2008 National STD Prevention Conference Chicago, Illinois

2 Introduction to NASTAD A View from the “Outside”? 2008 Lay of the Land
Steps to Improve STD Prevention

3 Introduction to NASTAD
NASTAD is a non-profit national association of state health department HIV/AIDS program directors who administer HIV/AIDS prevention, care and treatment programs funded by state and federal governments. NASTAD is governed by a 20 member, elected Executive Committee charged with making policy and program recommendations to the full membership. NASTAD’s Washington, DC headquarters has a professional staff of thirty.

4 NASTAD’s Strategic Map
Central challenge: Assert the role of state public health in addressing the HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis epidemics. Overarching strategic priority: Address racial and ethnic disparities in the HIV/AIDS and viral hepatitis epidemics.

5 Prevention and Surveillance Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities
NASTAD Programs Domestic Care and Treatment ADAP TA and Monitoring Prevention and Surveillance Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities Viral Hepatitis Global Technical Assistance Government Relations

6 Acknowledgements

7 A View from the Outside? “The philosophy of science is to find truth. The philosophy of medicine is to use that truth for your patient. The philosophy of public health is to use that science for everyone for social justice in health” William H. Foege, MD, MPH

8 A View from the Outside. (Who are NASTAD members
A View from the Outside? (Who are NASTAD members?) (HIV/AIDS Program Integration with STD, VH and TB Programs) NASTAD HIV Prevention Program Inventory—Preliminary Data

9 What do AIDS directors say about STD directors?
“I am the STD director!” (over 60%) “We don’t get along” “We have philosophical differences - behavioral vs. biomedical” Others mention racism, homophobia, funding disparities, program silos, disease burden, food chain, politics, etc. Recommendation #1 Make friends with the AIDS director!

10 “Every public health decision rests on a
2008 Lay of the Land “Every public health decision rests on a political decision.” William H. Foege, MD, MPH

11 2008 Lay of the Land (Gloom and doom slide)
Cuts to STD funding in recent years Special interest, disease specific, and program silos aren’t very popular at the moment FY2009 budget not likely until after the elections Election year posturing on the Hill State budgets in trouble U.S economy in trouble Spending $720 million a day on war in Iraq Recommendation #2 Dedicate 2008 to laying foundation for future support!

12 Steps to Improve STD Prevention
“The biggest dilemma in public health and medical ethics is resource allocation….How can we stand by watching $87 billion disappear down the Iraqi drain without presenting a clear picture of what $87 billion could do for public health in this country?” William H. Foege, MD, MPH

13 Steps to Improve STD Prevention
Get over HIV/AIDS envy - STD advocacy is different “Advocacy” is not a dirty word - tap your inner lobbyist A rising tide raises all boats - work in coalitions Work the budget process - the entire process K.I.S.S. - keep it simple or can I spell syphilis? Don’t play the “zero-sum” game - unless it is war $$$ Sometimes it IS who you know - the Nancy Pelosi effect Rome wasn’t built in a day - be in it for the long haul

14 Steps to Improve STD Programs
“Public health leaders can’t stay out of politics.” William H. Foege, MD, MPH

15 Steps to Improve STD Prevention
STD advocacy is different Different emergence and history No grassroots or consumer/client outcry Tap your inner lobbyist Who makes STD funding their # 1 priority all the time AND has a presence on the Hill? When was the last dedicated STD “Hill day?” Redefine “constituency” and get to the Hill! 3. Work in coalition Look for likely and unlikely allies Support the Campaign for Public Health If you can’t get a seat at the table, make your own table!

16 Steps to Improve STD Prevention
“We ought to make the pie higher” George W. Bush, Jr.

17 Steps to Improve STD Prevention
4. Work the entire budget process Need CDC expertise and internal advocacy Work HHS, OMB, the White House and the Congress State level advocacy essential as well Do all steps every year! 5. Keep it simple Break “STD” down into specific health/disease challenges Articulate impact with stories, not just data Quantify simple needs – how much and what for? What could be accomplished with one day of war money? Develop simple messages and relationships with media

18 Steps to Improve STD Prevention
6. Don’t play the “zero-sum” game - unless it is war money The first rule of appropriations advocacy – don’t suggest offsets or suggest that other programs don’t need additional funding. It is the responsibility of policymakers to find the money! Sometimes it IS who you know! A single member with a passion for your issue can make a difference! Be in it for the long haul Build relationships over time, particularly with key Hill staff Policymakers need to hear messages many times from many voices

19 Steps to Improve STD Prevention
Make friends with the AIDS director/ stop comparing Dedicate 2008 to laying foundation for future support Tap your inner lobbyist Work in coalitions Work the entire budget process Keep it simple Don’t play the “zero-sum” game Find champions Be in it for the long haul Do 1-9 and repeat!

20 for social justice” William H. Foege, MD, MPH
“I urge you to use your positions as health officials to make the political system work for social justice” William H. Foege, MD, MPH

21 National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors
Contact Information National Alliance of State & Territorial AIDS Directors Julie M. Scofield Executive Director

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