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Welcome to Accelerated English II

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Accelerated English II"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Accelerated English II
Mrs. Westerfield

2 Why are we here? Class goals Class objectives Parent letter
Class rules

3 Class Rules and Procedures
Be on time! Do your pre-bell everyday Tardies 3 page reports Late work policy Bathroom passes

4 Cell Phone Hotel You have entered into this classroom to learn. You are here to engage with those who are present in this room. If you CHOOSE to participate, then you may CHOOSE to check your phone into the “cell phone hotel.” If you CHOOSE not to do so and get caught using your phone inappropriately, it will be confiscated, and I will follow the school handbook’s policy by turning it into the office.  In return for your cooperation, I will give bonus points on tests, extra bathroom, homework passes, etc. depending on the occasion.

5 Materials You Need One file folder 3 ring binder Class specific item
Writing utensil everyday

6 Location, location, location
Pre-Bell table Make-up work box/drawer Turn-In Box Schedule and date on the board

7 The State Test You MUST pass this test to graduate.
It has Multiple Choice AND Writing. It is on the computer. We will do CASE tests at the end of every nine weeks to determine where you are. Students who are at risk of failing will come to remediation. Five levels 1-5. Our goal is for everyone to be Advanced (5). Must be a 3 to pass!

8 What makes Accelerated different?
ACT vocabulary Journals Independent reading A chance to be more creative A chance to delve deeper into texts

9 Summer Reading If you have not read yet, you still have time but not much. Major test on The Old Man and the Sea on August 20 (B Day) and August 21 (A Day) Major test on A Separate Peace on August 22 (B Day) and August 23 (A Day)

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