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October 22, 2019 APUSH, University High.

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1 October 22, 2019 APUSH, University High

2 Effects of the Cotton Gin
Read the document and answer the following: What statistic from the document surprises you the most? Why? Explain how the cotton gin contributed to the rise of slavery. How did the cotton industry increase differences between how communities were organized in the north and the south?

3 Innovations Wrap-Up Question
In what ways did innovations in technology and transportation influence the U.S. economy in the early nineteenth century? (Give 2 examples, explained)

4 Rise of Factories & Urbanization
APUSH Period 4

5 What are some typical causes of urbanization?
Questions What is urbanization? What are some typical causes of urbanization? What caused it during the early nineteenth century?

6 Factories and City Growth
Most new cities and factories emerged in New England Textile Manufacturing Located along rivers to power turbines Near ports to ship goods Hourly Wage

7 Social Impact Question
In what ways would working for an hourly wage be a shift from previous forms of labor experienced in American society? Is this worse or better than their previous experience?

8 Lowell’s “Mill Girls” Young women employed full-time by textile mills
Built a community around employment in the factory Churches, schools, etc. Constant supervision Alternative to domestic life Most women left after a few years

9 Letter from a Lowell Operative
Read the letter and answer the following: What stands out to you about this letter? Why? What comparison is present in this letter? Why do you think she makes this comparison?

10 What conditions led to the creation of this political organization?
Workingmen’s Party What conditions led to the creation of this political organization? Why do you believe this movement was so short lived? In what ways does this political involvement relate to other time periods? Is there any way, as far as you can tell, in which it relates to any modern movements?

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