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Bramley Park Academy Maths – Teaching & Learning Process

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1 Bramley Park Academy Maths – Teaching & Learning Process
Assessment Of Learning At the end of each unit of learning, the children will then access a post assessment task. This allows the teachers and children to see the progress made and potential areas that still need developing. Assessment For Learning Before each unit of learning begins in maths the children will undergo a pre-assessment task. This will identify key areas and skills to be taught using a variety of sources e.g. Maths Hub, Nrich, Active Maths. Based on outcomes, teachers will plan a series of lessons accordingly using the ‘I do, We do, You do’ approach to their teaching. At the start of each unit of learning I do High quality slides with several modelled examples, which are linked to the Maths Hub objectives and activities, will be shared by the teacher. Correct and key mathematical language will be used during these modelled examples with the expectation that the children can also adopt this. Children are required to maintain high levels of focus and concentration during this initial stage so that they are able to access the independent challenges in the ‘You do’ stage more successfully. You do Children should now be at the stage where they are able to access the Varied Fluency tasks independently. This takes place before assembly so that the teacher can then assess their progress mid-lesson. Children are then grouped. Those that have successfully been able to access the independent task will be challenged to apply their knowledge in a different context (reasoning and problem solving). Children who perhaps need a little more support will be placed in a Same Day Intervention (SDI) group led by the teacher. We do Following on from the modelled examples by the teacher, the children and staff will then continue to work collaboratively on similar examples. Through effective questioning, the teacher will draw out from the children the mathematical process and language skills being focused on and required. Children at this stage are expected to be able to contribute to the whole class teaching using the ‘I do’ stage and modelled examples as a guide.

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