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Year 7 Homework Menu: Novel

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1 Year 7 Homework Menu: Novel
You should complete 3 tasks of your choosing this half term. Hot Write a backstory for one of the minor characters in the novel. What happened to them before this story? Write an alternative opening to the novel. Act out and film a scene from the novel. You may work in pairs/threes. Medium Create a comic strip for a scene in the novel Write a diary entry for from the point of view of one of the characters in the novel. What are they thinking? How do they feel? Create a Facebook profile for one the characters in the novel. Extra Mild Find 5 facts about a character from the novel. Write your 5 facts clearly using full sentences Create a book cover for the novel. Remember to include the title and the author’s name. Create a playlist of 5 – 10 songs for the novel. Which songs would match with particular characters or events?

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