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Colonial Grievances.

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1 Colonial Grievances

2 Taxation Game King George III = Teacher
Parliament Member = One student Tax Collectors = Two students Everyone else will be a tax paying colonist Form of currency = Tootsie rolls! (If you eat any of your tootsie rolls during this activity, you will be sent to tax jail and will not receive any at the end of the game.) Tootsie Roll Activity!  Students are given 2-10 tootsie rolls each (randomly, to show inequality of wealth)   King George III = teacher  Parliament Member = One student  Tax Collector = Two students  Everyone else is tax paying colonist  King and Parliament create laws to collect money, as student run out of money they are put in “Jail”. At the end pile up money, half goes to King, Parliament gets ¼, tax collectors get 1/8 each. 

3 Taxation Game Reflection
Who feels upset in this situation and why? Is it fair that the king has so much? Why? Were the taxes fair, why or why not? Was there a way to make the taxes fair? If so, how? In what ways did this activity resemble the taxation system in colonial America?

4 Achieve 3000 Article Shaping a Government

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