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The Options Process.

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Presentation on theme: "The Options Process."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Options Process

2 GCSE Grading

3 A guided and informed process
December -Post 16 questionnaire 14th February : Yr 9 Parent Consultation Evening 28th February : Options Evening and Options Fair February - March: one- to- one options interviews with SLT 5th March: Career Networking and Options Taster day. Thursday 28th March Options choices form Deadline End of June 2019 : confirmation of choices

4 Key stage 4 Curriculum Core subjects English-Literature and Language
Mathematics Science- separate sciences/ COMBINED award PE (non GCSE) RS- Drop down sessions

5 Key stage 4 Curriculum Options 4 selections
Vast majority - (80%) expected to choose a language and a Humanities Wide range of GCSE/Btecs (vocational equivalences)

6 Options fair Options booklet
Advice and Guidance Options fair Options booklet

7 GCSE PE, Drama and Music Good record of positive
participation and engagement in year 9 required. For PE- you are expected to play for a school / House team

8 Thinking ahead.. Planning Now GCSE – the building blocks
6th Form Thinking ahead.. Planning Now GCSE – the building blocks

9 Facilitating Subjects
For the top Universities but also a good base line for other universities and apprenticeships . Mathematics and Further Mathematics, English Literature, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography, History and Languages. Oxbridge – Specific guidance

10 Making the right choice
Talk to staff, parents and each other. Keep your mind open Visit UCAS, University and Employer’s websites Go with your strengths and be honest

11 Admissions Criteria to Grey Court 6th Form
Please consult 6th form prospectus for individual subject entry criteria

12 Admissions Criteria to Grey Court 6th Form
GCSE profile Recommended pathway Mainly “5 “ and “6” grades at GCSE and grade 4 in English and mathematics One/Two Btec level 3 qualifications from the 7 on offer at Grey Court. You might also combine this with one/two suitable A-level choice.

13 Admissions Criteria to Grey Court 6th Form
GCSE profile Recommended pathway Mainly 7/8/9 grades with grade 7 and above in English and mathematics Take a 3 A-level pathway


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