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Energy Crisis Intervention Program Community Action Agency Training

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Presentation on theme: "Energy Crisis Intervention Program Community Action Agency Training"— Presentation transcript:

1 Energy Crisis Intervention Program Community Action Agency Training
MaineHousing Energy & Housing Services October 24, 2019

2 Welcome

3 Energy Crisis Intervention Program

4 12/13/2019 Purpose Avert Energy or Life Threatening Crisis (November 1 thru April 30) 2015/2016 HEAP Training

5 Crisis must be averted within 48 hours
Energy Crisis Has Heating System or Heating Source that is safe to operate, and supply of Home Energy for the Heating System/Source Crisis must be averted within 48 hours

6 Crisis must be averted within 18 hours
Life Threatening Crisis Household is currently without heat. No operable Heating System or Heating Source. Crisis must be averted within 18 hours

7 Heating System Definition
Permanently installed system that is used to heat the Dwelling Unit. A portable space heater is not considered to be a Heating System. Heat pumps are not considered Primary Heating Systems.

8 Heating Source Definition
Any device used to provide heat to a Dwelling Unit.

9 Energy or Life Threatening? Let’s look at some examples (page 1)

10 Allowable Measures Home Energy deliveries Utility disconnects
Minor Heating System repairs

11 PY 2019 ECIP Benefits Fuel Deliveries = 4,351 Households
Utility Notices and Disconnects = 497 Households

12 Other Allowable Uses Provisional Measures
Space heaters Temporary relocation Rent assistance for eviction due to non-payment of rent

13 Maximum Benefit $400 Per Program Year
October 25, 2017 Maximum Benefit $400 Per Program Year Household may receive more than one ECIP benefit (total benefits cannot exceed $400) PY 2018 ECIP Training

14 Ineligible if household:
Has received maximum ECIP for Program Year Has safe operating Heating System that adequately heats home during severe weather and has more than 3-day supply of Home Energy Client has means to avert or resolve crisis

15 Determining Eligibility

16 Determining Eligibility
Eligible Standard HEAP Application ECIP Only Application

17 Pending Standard Application
Can pending application be certified? Will vendor do upfront delivery within required timeframe (18 or 48 hours)?

18 Upfront Delivery Standard HEAP Application must be certified in HEAP Cloud or fax authorization to Vendor Primary Applicant name and account number Delivery address Approved fuel type and dollar amount authorized Required delivery timeframe (18 or 48 hours)

19 ECIP Only Application Process and documentation same as Standard HEAP Application Only difference – income verification period may be 1 month or 30 days prior to ECIP Only date of application

20 ECIP Only Application One application per Program Year
October 25, 2017 ECIP Only Application One application per Program Year One benefit for a single crisis event Certified-eligible Standard Application required for additional ECIP benefits PY 2018 ECIP Training

21 Reminders ECIP Only Application must be processed and fully documented separately from the Household’s Standard Application Each file must contain appropriate documentation to demonstrate the Household’s eligibility

22 Reminders Income verification periods must be based on Dates of Application corresponding to ECIP Only and Standard Applications Signatures and dates must be consistent with the distinct Dates of Application for ECIP Only and Standard Applications

23 Applicant with unresolved Overpayment is not eligible for ECIP unless they have entered into and are in compliance with terms of repayment agreement with MaineHousing Ineligible

24 Rent / Subsidized with Heat
Ineligible Rent / Subsidized with Heat ECIP cannot pay for Home Energy deliveries or Heating System repairs

25 Quiz – Eligible for ECIP? (Pages 2 & 3)

26 ECIP Emergency Worksheet
(page 4)

27 ECIP Emergency Worksheet
Required for all ECIP requests and ECIP Only Applications Used to gather and document Household’s situation and eligibility for ECIP

28 Reminders ECIP Worksheet must be legible and complete (all applicable fields) Use ECIP Comments (HEAP Cloud) to fully document or clarify information

29 Status of Home Energy Service
Federal reporting requirement Determine type of crisis Energy or Life Threatening

30 Types of Emergencies Fuel Emergency Utility Disconnect
Heating System Emergency Eviction Emergency

31 Fuel Emergency

32 No heat or risk of losing heat
12/13/2019 Household may be eligible if: No heat or risk of losing heat ≤ 1/8 tank of oil/kerosene ≤ 25% in propane tank ≤ 3-day supply wood, pellets, coal, etc. 2015/2016 Vendor Training

33 Must be pre-authorized by CAA and included on purchase order
ECIP - Allowable Uses Home Energy type listed on PO Delivery charges Restart or safety check fees Must be pre-authorized by CAA and included on purchase order

34 12/13/2019 Remaining Benefits Any remaining HEAP benefits and/or TANF Supplemental credits must be used in conjunction with or in lieu of ECIP funds 2015/2016 HEAP Training

35 ECIP Role-Play Stan Malone (pages 5 & 6)

36 Completing ECIP Emergency Worksheet

37 What type of crisis? Energy Crisis (has heat)
Has supply of Home Energy and Heating System or Source that is safe to operate Life Threatening (no heat) Does not have an operable Heating Source or Heating System

38 Gather information from Applicant and verify with Vendor
Does it make sense? Is information consistent?

39 Contact Vendor to: Verify last delivery information – i.e. date and number of units delivered Determine if Vendor will do an upfront delivery pending receipt of HEAP Benefit Confirm Vendor can make delivery within required timeframe (i.e. 18 or 48 hours)

40 Contact Vendor to: Confirm cash price per unit
Determine amount of delivery charge (if any) Identify need and charges for restart or safety check

41 Determining ECIP Purchase Order Amount

42 Determining ECIP PO Amount
Vendor confirms unit price, dollar amount and units to be covered by: Remaining HEAP benefits and TANF Supplemental credits ECIP and amount of delivery charge or service (if applicable)

43 Stan Malone Remaining HEAP Benefit = $98.00
12/13/2019 Stan Malone Remaining HEAP Benefit = $98.00 Cash Price (kerosene) = $3.57 per gallon $25.00 restart fee 2015/2016 HEAP Training

44 HEAP Units = 28 gallons ECIP Purchase Order = $277.00
$98.00 $3.50 HEAP Balance Unit Price ECIP Purchase Order = $277.00 Cash Price $3.50 Units 72 gal. Restart Fee $25.00

45 John Doe – What if… (pages 7 & 8)

46 Use Case Notes- document in file and HEAP Cloud
What if… Applicant has remaining HEAP or TANF Supplemental benefits, but Vendor is unable to make ECIP delivery within required timeframe? CAA can use another HEAP Vendor and document file accordingly. No waiver required. Use Case Notes- document in file and HEAP Cloud

47 Utility Disconnection

48 Facing a heat or heat-related crisis
12/13/2019 Household may be eligible if: Facing a heat or heat-related crisis Utility service is necessary to operate Heating System, and is shut-off or scheduled for disconnection 2015/2016 Vendor Training

49 Electricity and Natural Gas
Does Primary Heating System require utility service? Is Household member responsible for utility account that services Primary Heating System?

50 Ineligible if household:
Utility service used to operate the Heating System is not in a Household member’s name Has safe operating Heating System that adequately heats home during severe weather and has more than 3-day supply of Home Energy

51 Ineligible if household:
Has received maximum ECIP for Program Year Can negotiate and pay terms of payment plan Has financial means to restore or maintain service

52 12/13/2019 Use of ECIP Benefits May be applied to surcharges, reconnection charges and penalty fees if: Related to final disconnect notice or shut-off Included in Purchase Order amount 2015/2016 HEAP Training

53 Remaining Benefits on Account
12/13/2019 Remaining Benefits on Account HEAP, TANF Supplemental and LIAP benefits on account must be used first ECIP covers balance needed to restore service or prevent shut-off 2015/2016 HEAP Training

54 must be averted within 48 hours
Energy Crisis must be averted within 48 hours Has heat; operating Heating System or Source Heating System requires utility service Utility service scheduled for disconnection

55 Life Threatening Crisis must be averted within 18 hours
No Heat; No working Heating System or Source Utility service required to operate Heating System Utility service disconnected

56 12/13/2019 Disconnect Notice CAA must obtain copy of disconnect notice to determine and document eligibility for ECIP 2015/2016 Vendor Training

57 CAA contacts vendor to verify:
Amount of HEAP, TANF Supplemental, and LIAP benefits on account Amount required to restore or maintain service Terms and status of any existing payment arrangement

58 Utility Disconnect Beatrice Small – Role-Play (pages 9-12)

59 Heating System Repairs

60 Facing a heating crisis due to Heating System malfunction
12/13/2019 Household may be eligible if: Facing a heating crisis due to Heating System malfunction ECIP can cover repairs if authorized by CAA purchase order 2015/2016 Vendor Training

61 Household may be eligible if:
Primary Heating System is malfunctioning or not working, and There is no secondary Heating System that is capable of adequately heating the Dwelling during severe cold weather

62 Crisis Resolution Services must be provided by a participating HEAP Vendor Can HEAP Vendor make service call within required timeframe (18 or 48 hours)?

63 Central Heating Improvement Program
Refer to CHIP if: Unable to secure services of a HEAP Vendor Heating System issues cannot be fully resolved by ECIP - i.e. repairs will exceed $400 ECIP maximum

64 Provisional Measures

65 Fuel delivery or repairs cannot occur within required timeframe
Provisional Measures Fuel delivery or repairs cannot occur within required timeframe Interim measures to avert Fuel or Heating System Emergency Space heaters Temporary relocation Refer to Handbook for additional guidance

66 Rental Payment Assistance

67 Household may be eligible if:
Rent includes heat Facing eviction within 72 hours due to nonpayment of rent Refer to Handbook for additional guidance Subsidized with heat not eligible

68 Certification

69 ECIP Certification Document and assess information provided by Applicant and verified by Vendor (Does it make sense?) Do case notes and documentation tell entire story?

70 ECIP Certification All documentation in file?
HEAP Cloud - accurate and complete? Resolve inconsistencies/errors

71 Denials Refer Household to other resources/programs
Verbally notify Primary Applicant of denial immediately Send written notice of denial within three business days

72 Reminders Check HEAP Cloud notes & “Do Not Pay” list before certifying ECIP Do not certify ECIP if “Do Not Pay” list indicates Applicant ineligible for ECIP

73 Issuing Purchase Order

74 Purchase Orders Fuel and Utility Heating System Other Measures
HEAP Cloud Purchase Order Heating System Manual PO Use HEAP Cloud PO # Other Measures

75 Verbal purchase orders should be exception not standard practice
CAA will or fax purchase order to Vendor to confirm details of ECIP requirements and authorized dollar amount Verbal purchase orders should be exception not standard practice

76 Stan Malone Part II (page 13)
Fuel Emergency

77 Purchase Order Primary Applicant’s name & delivery address
Home Energy type Dollar amount authorized by CAA (Deliverables: based on cash price quoted by Vendor plus delivery charges and costs for restart or safety check) Required resolution time- 18 or 48 hours CAA contact name, phone number and fax number

78 Beatrice Small Part II (page 14)
Utility Disconnect

79 Guarantees payment for:
Utility Purchase Order Guarantees payment for: Restoration of service Cancellation of disconnect order

80 Provisional Purchase Order
Generate PO in HEAP Cloud Generate manual PO using PO number from HEAP Cloud or fax PO to Vendor to confirm details of ECIP requirements and authorized dollar amount Verbal purchase orders should be exception not standard practice

81 Reconciliation and Approval

82 Fuel Vendor Submits Copy of purchase order Metered delivery ticket
Invoice (if required)

83 Oil, Kerosene & Propane Delivery Tickets
If metered ticket amount is greater than ECIP PO, Vendor must notate dollar amounts to be covered by ECIP, HEAP, and TANF Supplemental, client, another party/organization Vendor must sign/date notations

84 Vendor invoice required if:
Delivery ticket does not document all charges that were approved on purchase order (ex. delivery fee, safety check, start-up fee)

85 Stan Malone Part III (pages 15-17)
Fuel Emergency

86 Utility Vendor Submits
Copy of purchase order Written confirmation of date/time service restored or disconnect order revoked

87 Beatrice Small Part III (pages 18 & 19)
Utility Disconnect

88 Heating System Repair Vendor Submits
Copy of purchase order Invoice

89 CAA Reviews delivery ticket/invoice Attention to details is critical
Does it match purchase order? Name and delivery address Date and time of delivery/service Did delivery/service occur within timeframe prescribed on purchase order (18 or 48 hours)?

90 Review delivery ticket/invoice
Does it match purchase order? Number of units delivered Delivery fees or service charges Credits (HEAP and TANF) Total amount (cannot pay more than agreed upon amount)

91 If the total amount on the delivery ticket is greater than the ECIP PO amount:
Vendor must provide an invoice, or the following must be notated and signed/dated on the delivery ticket: $ amount to be paid by ECIP $ amount to be paid by HEAP (if applicable) $ amount to be paid by TANF Supplemental Benefits (if applicable)

92 Provisional Measures

93 Provisional Measures CAA pays vendor for space heaters or lodging
CAA submits documentation to MH MH receives/approves purchase order in HEAP Cloud and pays CAA

94 Space Heaters - Documentation
Copy of purchase order signed/dated by CAA or Applicant at time of delivery or pickup CAA or store invoice with Applicant’s name, date of pickup or delivery, model number, and invoice amount ECIP Emergency Worksheet

95 Lodging - Documentation
Copy of purchase order Lodging invoice Applicant’s name Check-in/check-out dates Breakdown of charges being billed ECIP Emergency Worksheet

96 Rental Payment Assistance

97 Landlord and Tenant Must Sign
Agreement to Stop Eviction Process form (page 20)

98 Rental Payment Assistance
October 25, 2017 Rental Payment Assistance CAA pays landlord CAA submits documentation to MH MH receives/approves purchase order in HEAP Cloud and pays CAA PY 2018 ECIP Training

99 Documentation For Payment
Copy of signed/dated Agreement to Stop Eviction Process form Legal notice of eviction ECIP Emergency Worksheet CAA invoice with Applicant’s name, App ID, and invoice amount

100 Energy & Housing Services

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